I guess feeling change-Nygmobblepot

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✨ G a y n e s s ✨
Secret feelings 0;

Not really much actually*-*

A little backstory- Oswald had been at his....hideout doing- well not doing much to be fair, he had been there for probably the past week, not gone out, not killed anyone- sadly, it was boring him to death, when Barbara stormed in with her men, holding guns. "Hello Pengy!" "B-Barbara! You seem to be doing as good as ever....but what's with the guns?" He has a slightly annoyed hint to his tone "Oh, stop pretending! I'm just getting you back for the attack on MY men from a couple days ago..." he furrowed his brows in confusion "What?- " they pointed their guns at him "WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!" His men popped up and began shooting at Barbara and her men, allowing him to quickly limp away, getting as far away as he could and hunching over placing his hands on his knees, panting "Those idiots!!!" He yelled to himself his face turning red as he pulled out his phone, dialing Ed's number and waiting for him to pick up, hearing the ringing "Pick up for god's sake" he mumbled, the phone ringing a bit more before Ed picked up, Oswald heard a drowsy voice on the other end say "Edward Nygma" as if to confirm to the other person it was who they wanted to call "Ed! I have a problem!!!" He heard shuffling and Ed clearing his throat, thinking that he probably just woke up- which he had- but he liked have time to feel bad later "Oswald? What is it?!" "I- I was just doing what I've been doing for the past week!!! Nothing! And Barbara barges in and- and- SHE STARTS TELLING ME CRAP!!! AND THEN SHE AND HER MEN BEGIN SHOOTING!!! I haven't been out in the last week or two!! So I couldn't have attacked her and her men a couple of days ago!!!" He yelled into the phone "Oswald- Oswald! Just- calm down a bit, I'll come pick you up, where are you?" "Docks, nearby city hall" he whined crossing his arms as he began pacing "Alright stay there, I'll be there in 10" He heard a door close from the other end before Ed hung up. Ed made his way there rubbing his eyes occasionally from under his glasses, tired and irritated, but at the same time glad Oswald called him, he hadn't heard from him in forever it seemed, and- he didn't like to admit it but- he had developed feelings for the demanding male- but his two personalities could also get in the way, one- his Riddler personality- was pissed that Oswald decided to call and wake him up, his Ed personality, didn't mind...at least not very much but he pulled up, seeing the short man limping back and forth, sighing and getting out, slamming the door shut, drawing the attention of Oswald to him, resisting the urge to smile when the man quickly limped towards him pulling him into a tight hug- that he gladly returned "You seem glad to see me..." he mumbled earning a nod from the raven haired man, the little warm feeling in his chest forming again "So if you want, you can stay over at my place for a bit...." "That will work" Oswald mumbled into his chest- well- not exactly his chest since he was so short- it was more of the area right below his chest- damn, the advantages of being tall, considering he was like 6'1 and Oswald...he was around 5'1-5'6(seriously Robin is about 5'6 0-0 in pretty much 5'3 djekendjan- I'm taller than my mom- 5'1 and my dad is like 6'3 or something djwjdbsnajsjsowo)) Oswald was so relieved to see Ed, it was no secret that sometime ago, he did have feeling for Ed, but he knew it wasn't going to happen....which was why when he developed feelings AGAIN, he hid them completely, and planned on that forever.... "Can...we go now?" He asked innocently pulling his head off of Ed to look up at him, seeing him quickly nod and stop hugging him, going to the passenger side and opening the door for him "You know I can open a door by myself" "Yes but- still..." he sighed shaking his head as he got in closing the door and watching Ed walk back around to the other side and get in closing his door, starting the car back up and beginning to drive back to his place in silence. "We can deal with Barbara later....just, I guess we will do that when we get you more men...." Ed glanced over at Oswald, noticing how unusually quiet he was, noticing that the man had dozed off, causing him to smile, eyes going back to the road. Once they got there, after about 10 minutes, Oswald was still asleep so he got out, quietly closing the door and walking to the other side and opening the passenger door, gently picking Oswald up (b r I d a l s t y l e ejwkwbdjw) and closed the door with his knee, carrying Oswald in and closing the front door with his foot as he gently went and placed him on the bed, sitting down on the edge and looking down at him with a small smile, his hand gently on The lower part of Oswald's leg, before he got up leaving the room. A couple hours later he heard a door open followed by a tiny yawn "Hey sleepyhead" Oswald just rolled his eyes limping over to Ed, before sitting down next to him and placing his head on Ed's shoulder tiredly. "What are you doing?" Oswald asked innocently "Nothing....."

A little time skip because I'm lazy- and I kinda just woke up not too long ago- and soon I'll have to get on for my assignments dksodowjsjsa

Ed heard Oswald angrily huffing as he walked in the room, the mans hands balled into fists at his side "Those- Those idiotic bastards!!!!" Oswald yelled his face red. "I- Oswald, who? And what happened?" He asked quickly walking over to him and gently placing his hands on Oswald's shoulders kinda bringing him over to the couch and sitting him down "Apparently- Barbara wants to try and destroy my mothers grave to get me to be honest and come out!!!" He whined looking like he was about to cry "Well, have they done it yet?" "N-no" "Oswald, calm down, first of all, whether they do it or not, I'm pretty positive your mother wouldn't want you to take the blame for something you didn't do, maybe we can get Barbara to realize it wasn't you, if not...maybe Gordon can help...but you are not taking the blame for it, I know your mother wouldn't want you to take the blame for something you didn't even have any part in..." "I- But..." Oswald found it somewhat reassuring and calming, but the way they were felt familiar, in the back of his head it felt like back when Oswald was helping Ed after Butch pretty much tried to strangle him, along with that came the thought of 'you should've asked him to kiss you' but it wouldn't have gone well...But as they were staring at each other Oswald couldnt help but occasionally look at Edward's lips- the slight struggle of keeping himself from just kissing him becoming painful. "Look Oswald...." Ed trailed off, looking down to the side while biting his lip, letting out a small sigh while he debated telling Oswald about his feelings, it was a now or never thing in his mind 'Might as well be now...' he thought, looking back at Oswald, seeing a look that basically said 'Go on' "Well...I've been debating on telling you this....because I know how it went last time...but..." he trailed off again as he looked back into Oswald's eyes, which- one couldn't deny- were very pretty "I really...like you Oswald...." Ed's voice has gone really quiet when he said that, he looked back down, fidgeting slightly as he began playing with the ends of his sleeves nervously- not expecting Oswald to really stay there much longer, but definitely not expecting the man to tilt his head up a bit(to help- since Ed was looking down- Oswald has to tilt his head back up a little bit so he was looking back at him- instead of down-) and kiss him. This action had caused Ed's eyes to widen and his face to turn bright red, just staying still for a couple of seconds before kissing back, Oswald pulled away from it after a minute or so to breathe, his face light red as he subtly smiled up at Ed.....

Who knew this would happen.

This was requested by jeromespancakes And I'm so sorry that I went off of the actual request I literally

Didn't notice i messed up until I started working on it again today- and I had already done most of it so I was basically ending it and then I looked back at the request and reread it and went 🤔😶😧😳😵😭 because I realized- 'Wait- I was meant to do it the other way around' I'm so sorry I don't know what I was doing that caused me to get the first part of it mixed up- but I did- and I only realized it once I was basically ending it so I thought 'But- I cant really fix it now- ' 😔😟😕🙁☹️😣😖😫😩🥺😢😭🤧 Im so sorry-

And if anyone wants to request something, comment the request! U-U


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