Why, Why me...?~Twinleska

440 6 2

Incest(Twincest 👀👀)

((Also ima do this so it's both before Miah gets sprayed and after— >;3 I'm sacrificing time to be better than someone on the reputation leaderboard on amino to write these— T-T))

Jeremiah made his way through the maze, his mind slightly numb and- definitely blank, Jerome has just broke out of Arkham, it had honestly caused memories to hit him in the face like a sack of bricks, he hated the fact that he ended up leaving the circus, that he lied about Jerome, that he honestly still loved his brother- and actually never really hated him, he lied because he wanted out of the circus, wanted to be different than the idiotic people there that couldn't even add up 10+10 without having to count on their fingers, and then check about 4 times. As Jeremiah made it to his office, sniffling slightly he put the files on his desk before tangling his hands in his hair at all the memories(I'm not listening to music that in my mind suits this and helps me write *-* why- StAp looking at meh like that— ) he hissed angrily his face turning red as he loosened his grip on his usually neatly fixed hair, before letting go, his hair now messed up "Why, Why?" He mumbled to himself putting his hands on his desk with an angry huff. (Switching on over to the other lil carrot- /I seriously hope that wasn't offensive to anyone 😨) Jerome looked at the ceiling with an angry and bitter scowl on his face, one leg crossed over the other, his hands behind his head on the pillow- well, what one could hardly even consider a pillow, He, Jervis, and..Jonathan had been planning a dramatic escape for awhile, and since they had finally made it perfectly, so it wouldn't fail no matter what, they could finally go through with it, then he could find 𝘩𝘪𝘴 Miah. This thought caused a grin to creep up on his face, when he heard footsteps he stood up standing back from the door when it blew up, before walking out, his hands behind his back. ((Ima skip all the dialogue and crap since I'm starting to get a headache, also I can't remember what the numbers were and yada yada yada dianxjsodnwke— ))

Jerome groaned, opening his eyes before standing up slightly out of it, but still in his crazy mood as he felt around the walls to try and find a door- or something before he paused, noticing a camera and grinning walking up to it and waving sarcastically, a slightly dark angry look in his eyes despite the cheerful motion, knowing Miah was there, watching him and listening, "Miahhhhh" Jerome's voice hissed, trying to mask the anger in his tone, which Jeremiah detected easily and tensed up. "This May have been a bad idea" Jeremiah muttered to himself slightly panicked, "Just do it...." he mumbled with a small shaky sigh, walking to his office door and looking down, before he managed to get the courage, opening the door before walking out, slowly walking to the room Jerome was in, still looking down as he shakily exhaled, biting his bottom lip and squeezing his eyes shut while calming his breathing, before opening his eyes again and looking up at the door. He hesitantly opened the door, seeing Jerome in the middle of the room standing on his jacket, his shoes off while doing yoga, causing Jeremiah to have to keep in a small chuckle, Jerome freezing before he stood up straight again, turning to look at Jeremiah as he walked in, turning briefly and closing the door, which would probably be a mistake, and they both knew that. "So lil Broski decided to come see the Big Brother" Jerome sneered, slightly taunting, the reason behind the name 'Big Brother' was because Jerome was about 3 hours older than Jeremiah(Jeremiah had been a pain in the ass for Lila to have diencjskdnskdnsl) so he used that excuse to call himself 'Big Brother' and Jeremiah 'Baby Bro', upon hearing the Big Brother comment he scoffed rolling his eyes "Your hardly older than me" Jeremiah mumbled leaning back slightly as Jerome stepped closer at a eerily slow pace "Still older" Before Jeremiah could really process what was happening, Jerome had pushed him into the wall, trapping him in the small space as he put a hand on Jeremiah's throat, squeezing tightly while the slightly smaller twin lightly placed his hand on Jerome's to try and loosen his grip, he didn't really mind the choking, surprisingly, he just didn't like the extremely tight- suffocating grip. "J-Jerome" he mumbled quietly giving him a pleading look that made Jerome glare at him before loosening his grip, never having really been able to say no to that look. Jeremiah sucked in a breath lightly glaring at Jerome, the other just grinning smugly "Asshole" he mumbled angrily "Yet ya still love me" Jerome sneered, not actually meaning it just being sarcastic, not knowing Jeremiah 𝘥𝘪𝘥 still love him, and still in the way neither of them should ever have "How'd you know" He mumbled, almost inaudible, causing Jerome to pause, tilting his head with a slightly surprised look "What?" He asked as if wanting to confirm what he said "I said how did you know" Jeremiah scowled slightly glaring at Jerome before he looked at the ground. "Funny, then why did ya lie about me to Lila...and then leave me there" Jerome hissed into Jeremiah's ear causing Jeremiah to flinch slightly "I-I didn't want to leave you there, I just wanted our, I hadn't planned to leave you there" He choked out sadly "I wanted to go back and get you-" "Either way, ya didn't! You lied...I thought we would always be together..." Jerome interrupted him with an angry response but it also had a sad tone lying beneath it, his face starting to go red and his breathing becoming heavy, "I'm sorry" Jeremiah squeaked, squeezing his eyes shut with a small whimper causing something in the back of Jerome's mind to click completely letting go of Jeremiah and pulling the slightly smaller red head into a tight hug and tangling his hands in Jeremiah's hair, the other letting out a surprised noise, trying to hold back tears from earlier as he just hugged back with a small chokes sob, Jerome trying to calm him down. "Shh Miah, I'm sorry" Jerome mumbled with a small sigh, noticing it wasn't really helping so he pulled away from his brother before giving him a quick kiss, causing Jeremiah to start calming down a bit, tears still rolling down his face, his glasses fogged up, causing Jerome to take off Jeremiah's glasses, cleaning them off before putting them back on his brother. Something he didn't expect to happen was when Jeremiah abruptly kissed him, causing a muffled surprised noise to escape, before he kissed back, Jeremiah pulling away after a bit with a small giggle, Jerome rolling his eyes.

Time skip to when Jeremiah has destroyed Gotham, brought to you by my laziness and steadily forming fucking migraine- as I listen to music carelessly while thinking of video edits that go to them and minecraft fnaf animations, making it worse ;') *pained noises*

𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘚𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘔𝘪𝘢𝘩 𝘣𝘺 *𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘺*
Jeremiah hasn't exactly had a very good time after Jerome died, having kinda just sat in his office for a week in sadness, before actually going through with his plan. Which brings us to the present here and now. "And what do we do when we feel like giving up?" ((I can't remember all he said @-@)) "Dig a little deeper" the workers responded miserably, Jeremiah just grinning sadistically, until one of the men came, telling them they couldn't dig anymore, causing a low growl to be heard, some of the workers automatically knowing that pretty much meant 'Im pissed, get the fuck away or die, preferably stay here so I can kill you' and that's basically what happened "Not with that attitude your not" Jeremiah hissed lowly as he slit the mans throat, watching as he fell to the ground "Now...Everyone. Let's reach inside and dig a little deeper, shall we? 'Cause that's the only way you're all making it out of this hole." He said with a sadistic grin licking the blood off the knife, pausing when he heard footsteps, along with angry shuffling and the rustle of fabric, followed by a very familiar, crazy laugh, and then angry swearing, causing Jeremiah to freeze raising an eyebrow, as two of the workers walked into view, holding a person in between them that was squirming and cursing, the red head shoving to two workers away from him and flipping them off, causing a loud scoff to be heard, "That's a bit of a...overreaction..." a emotionless voice greeted the read head- Jerome's wars, yet it was very familiar, causing him to raise his head towards the voice, tending up slightly at the figure, immediately figuring out who it was, '𝘔𝘪𝘢𝘩' he thought, examining the, now slightly taller now, male, which thankfully meant they were actually the same height now, noticing how his skin was Snow White, his eyes a eerie pale greenish blue, his hair black, with a greenish blue tint to it, blood red lips that seemed to always be curled into a cold smile. "Well ain't that just interesting" Jerome muttered standing up straight, watching as Jeremiah slowly walked closer to him, quickly landing in front of Jerome, and curiously examining him with a slight glare of sadness and confusion, "I'd say what's more interesting is a living corpse" Jeremiah sneered as he examined Jerome, trying to keep up his emotionless attitude, surprisingly doing pretty well at it, the workers walking away. "You seem a bit rude" Jerome taunted as Jeremiah lightly grabbed his arm, angrily mumbling to himself in annoyance as he dragged his twin to a quieter area. "How the hell are you even alive right now?" Jeremiah hissed angrily, tears forming slightly in his eyes, which caused Jerome look down in slight guilt. After a long explanation, Jeremiah scowled mumbling a small sarcastic "Your an idiot" causing Jerome to open his mouth, about to argue before Jeremiah abruptly kissed him, Jerome kissing back after a moment, his arms around Jeremiah's waist, Jeremiah's hands tangled in Jerome's hair.

Here was also a forgotten idea *-*

Jeremiah continued looking anywhere but Jerome, to the side, down, just anywhere else, refusing to look at his brother. "Am I really that hideous to you?" Jerome asked slightly aggravated, slightly hurt, causing Jeremiah to immediately look back at him, lightly cupping Jerome's cheek with a small sigh "No..." he mumbled "Then why wouldn't ya look at me?" Jerome hissed, Jeremiah just rolling his eyes and shutting the other up with a unexpected kiss, causing Jerome to freeze in surprise, processing it, before kissing back.

I have to go ahead and end it I'm starting to get a migraine 😭😭 this was requested by Jeremiah_Valeska_

I will get the next request of yours out probably by tomorrow when I can work on it

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