(Final)A/N again im so sorry(please read)

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So uh....I think I may have just lost most of my motivation to write the last request....my aunt has covid now....my little cousin just texted me telling me so um.....not feeling the best now, my mom was also briefly around her so......

I feel bad for the other people who have to work with covid patients at the hospital because that's probably how my aunt got it


It's just not a good feeling.....I know most probably don't care, and I'm not aiming to get sympathy, this is just a update on life, and why I actually more than likely will discontinue this....I had been thinking about it anyway but.....I will be discontinuing this later today....bye I guess...don't really know what else to do.....just, all I have to say now is stay safe, wash your hands, try and go out as few times as possible, or make it quick, don't go around people too much, don't party....wear your mask... bring hand sanitizer.....Don't cough or sneeze or people.....all that stuff...

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