Surprises: Part 3

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"Oh my goodness, I don't know what to pack. What do you think, honey? Emerald or mauve?"

"Doesn't matter." I said quickly. I had been sitting there with her for what felt like the entire morning, helping her decide what and what not to bring. The problem was that she had a lot of the same clothes, just in different colors. We were on what seemed like her sixteenth outfit, and I was starting to get antsy, because we had to be at the airport in about two hours. "Mom, we need to get going."

"Would you relax. Our flight doesn't leave until 1 pm." She huffed, shoving the choices into my face. "Choose."

"I can't believe you always wait until the last minute to do things. Our flight leaves at 1, so we have to get there at 11:30 am, we should've already showered, gotten dressed and eaten around 10 am, and should've woken up at 7 am, put in some last minute things, but you didn't go to sleep until 12 in the morning, so you ended up waking up at 8 instead. Now we're behind." I wheezed out. She looked at me in bewilderment and I shrugged. "I like to create a schedule. Don't judge me."

She snorts, glaring at me. "Then make a choice so we can get going."

"Emerald." I sighed.

She stutters for a second as if something suddenly blurred her thoughts. "Your father loved this emerald dress on me." She said quietly.

"I know." I mumbled, standing up from my seat. "If you pack it, it'll be like having him there with us."

Her vision slightly blurs and I curse myself for making her cry. I take a step to go and comfort her, but she holds up a hand and sniffles. "I'm okay, sweetie. Just go call Eve and get everything into the car and I'll be right out."

"Are you sure?" I said worriedly.

"Yes." She patted my cheek gently, before sending me out.

Thankfully we ended up leaving on time, despite my worries, but I was still glad I had planned ahead, because even as we showed up at 11:30, the amount of security and lines we had to go through was ridiculous, and we got to out terminal around 12:45.

"Maybe I shouldn't have doubted your crazy planning." My mom frowned, sighing tiredly as we approached.

"You're welcome." I smirk, proudly.

"This is so cool, we're the only ones here?" Eve asked, looking around confusedly. "Where's the rest of the guys?"

"This is where Jackson said to go." I said, just as confused as her. I look to the woman taking our tickets. "Is this the right section? We can't be the only ones here, right?" I laugh nervously, suddenly worried that I made a mistake in checking where we were supposed to go.

"Don't worry, you're in the right place." She smiled, easing my worries. "This is the entrance to the first class part of the plane. Everyone's already boarded. I was given orders to wait on you guys in case you didn't show up on time."

"People in first class have their own entrance?" Eve screeched. "What am I even talking about? Forget that! We're going to be in first class!" She squealed.

The counter lady laughs, handing our tickets back to us. "You'll love it." Leaning in, she whispers, "Your seats turn into fucking beds and the restrooms are huge. Not to mention, the food they give you aren't the microwaveable food you get from Walmart. It's real food. " We all gasped in union. "Don't believe me? Go see for yourself."

Eve doesn't need to be told twice, before she sprints ahead of us. My heart is beating so fast as I take my ticket back while my mom thanks the lady right behind me. "Well...let's go see for ourselves shall we?" She says giddily, hooking her arm with mine. We both giggle like little school girls as we scurry to the plane.

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