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Jackson had left the day after the first, despite his protests and despite my protests as well, our goodbye was kept short. Did I cry like a baby when he left? Yes. Yes, I did.

It was now a few days later and I struggled to keep myself preoccupied. Online shopping, reading a book, baking, pestering Tony, I even tried baby mama workout videos and that still couldn't keep my mind off of Jackson. Never in my entire life did I think I would be so hung up on some guy. What made it even more annoying and difficult, was that Jackson wasn't just some guy.

I was never against the idea of soulmates, in fact, I truly believed in it, but I also had a doubt that I would ever find mine. I had a few classmates in college who did tarot card readings, but I never took it very seriously, only doing it for fun. They would tell me what my future spouse or soulmate looked like, their personality, or where we would meet. Again, never took it seriously or held a belief that anything they were saying was actually accurate, but then I started to notice some common things said. Now, these people didn't know each other, never spoken to one another, but for some reason, every reading they give me sounded the same.

Your soulmate is different from you, culture-wise and environmentally. You might meet them traveling or stumble upon them at random. They most likely have dark hair, dark eyes, and fair or tan skin. This person holds a high power, maybe a boss of a company or CEO of some sort. The love and bond between you both will be so strong that nothing can stand between you. They are the ones that you will spend the rest of your life with. Let the universe do its work.

I scoffed at my thoughts but stopped in my tracks of pacing. They weren't wrong.

When we were in the hospital, Jackson said something about wanting to spend more years with me, and of course, it made sense to me because we're having a child together, but maybe he was implicating something more. I didn't know if I was being oblivious or thinking too much into everything he said, so I video called an old friend who did tarot card readings for me in the past. Maybe she could tell me what might happen.

As I waited, I played with my fingers nervously, looking up at my door that was slightly ajar, with caution. If my mom caught me, she certainly would send an exorcist after me.

Yes, priest? My daughter is doing witchcraft. I need you to come over immediately.

Another few seconds pass and I'm about to just end the video call when her face pops up on the screen.

Another few seconds pass and I'm about to just end the video call when her face pops up on the screen

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"Gabriella! Long time no see!"

"Oh...hey..." I laugh awkwardly. "Am I interrupting?"

"Nope." She said simply. "To what do I owe this unexpected but welcoming visit?"

"Remember how you used to read me tarot cards during our break hours?"

"Of course! Don't tell me! You actually believe them now."

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