Love is Stronger: Part 1

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I slowly look to my side, my vision a bit blurry as I wake. Next to me, close, is a head full of dark brown hair, leaned against the side of the sofa. I open my eyes and look around. The place felt unfamiliar to me and I didn't know where I was and how I got there. From across the room, I could make out another body curled up in a ball on the other couch. I frowned, glancing back down at Jackson's sleeping form. He was sitting on the floor, head tilted at an uncomfortable angle, and an arm laid over my legs.

I'm about to move from my spot when my head snaps up at the sound of a door opening with a quiet click. I freeze. Heavy footsteps approach down the stairs and stop once they reached the bottom. I lay on my back in silence, listening for other movement. Slowly and almost carefully, the footsteps came closer. My eyes squeezed shut and I tried to slow down my breathing in order to appear still asleep. I had no idea whose house we were in; with Jackson beside me, I assumed we were somewhere safe, but I didn't want to immediately jump to that conclusion.

Now the person was in front of me; I could sense their presence. I felt Jackson's arm move back and forth against my legs and then a quiet whisper. A voice that seemed familiar, like I had heard it from somewhere.

"Jackson. Wake up." He gently shook Jackson one last time, before letting out a huff. I peeked through one of my eyes, watching as he moved away, going towards the other body curled up. "BamBam." He hissed, pinching the side of his arm.

"Ah!" BamBam awoke abruptly. "Mark, what the hell?" He groaned, rubbing his arm. He pouted up at Mark, but was only met with an amused scoff.

Mark and BamBam. So these were the two that I was hiding from in Jackson's closet. Jackson never really talked about his members or what they looked like, but based on the information that I learned from Eve, 'the one that looks like a scrawny little boy with long ass limbs is BamBam' and 'the guy that looks like a small bean is my baby boy Mark". Her descriptions weren't the best, but I somehow remembered the faces quite easily.

"Breakfast is ready. I tried waking up Jackson, but he's like...dead." Both of their heads turn to look at us and I quickly closed my eyes, resuming my coffin position. "They both look dead." They chuckled. I heard more shuffling around and then their footsteps retreating back up the stairs.

I let out a sigh, not knowing I was a holding my breath until they had left. Laying in my spot, I listened to make sure one last time that they had gone. I take a deep breath and sit on the edge of the couch, trying to calm myself down. Jackson's sleeping form shifts slightly and I place a hand on his cheek to wake him up. He looked so peaceful when he slept, but in the position that he was sleeping in, I doubted it was peaceful. "Jackson..." I patted his cheek. "Jackson." I leaned in closer to him, placing a peck to his nose. He groaned, shifting again. "Wake up." I frowned as he continued to sleep, completely oblivious to my calls. "Jackson, I need help. Please help me." I pleaded.

"What? What? What is it? What's wrong?!" His body sprang up, arms out in defense mode. His eyes were wild looking around the room for danger.

"Shhhh!" I pulled him back down beside me. "Calm down."

"Why were you calling for help?" He asked questionably, still eyeing around the room.

"I was just trying to wake you up." I giggled. He huffed, crossing his arms. "Aww, come on. Don't be mad." I poked his side, watching him squirm. I try to poke him again, only for my hand to be swatted away. "What's wrong with you? Are you mad that I woke up?"

"No, it's just..." He ran a hand over his face frustratedly. "Every time I fell asleep, that jackass's face would pop up in my head. Taunting me. There's something about that guy that just pisses me off."

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