Small Dick

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"Well, he didn't propose on Valentine's Day. So now what?" My eyes flicked over to Eve with an irritated look. Catching my glare, she holds up her hands in surrender. "Woah, chill."

"Now is not the time, Eve," I grumbled, rubbing my aching back.

She steps back, taking in my hunched-over body with a scrutinizing look. "This doesn't make sense. You're in your second trimester and based on that book Jackson bought you, you should be glowing, but you're not. Maybe you're the problem."

I roll my eyes. "Wow, thanks." But if that was the case, then maybe I was the problem. The first trimester, I felt like shit. In the second trimester, I'm feeling more like shit. It just seems like I was getting worse and worse. "Maybe it's different for every mother." I try to convince us both.

She shakes her head unconvincingly. "Didn't say that in the book, but who knows." She paused for a split second. "Speaking of mothers, I haven't seen mama Johnson in a while."

I shrugged, glancing around. "I feel like she's been avoiding me, but I need her now more than ever, so I don't know why she would just disappear on me."

"She's been hanging out with Mark a lot." Eve lefts a brow.

"Stop. Stop thinking." She stares at me innocently. "I know what you're thinking, Eve and it isn't happening. She wouldn't."

Would she?

My mom has been on a few dates since dad, but she either complained that they weren't my dad or good enough. She would come home complaining...he had too much hair, he had a cat, he had a porn mustache, he hates kids, etc., etc. It wasn't hard to figure out where I got my high standards from.

As I was about to tell off Eve again, a knock came at the bedroom door. Eve and I remained quiet, as the devil, herself, peeked through the door. "Hi girls." She said quietly, stepping in.

I looked over her suspiciously. "Where have you been?" I snapped, my emotions getting the best of me. "I've been trying to call you for days!" Now, I understand that she was a grown woman who could take care of herself, but she was the only parent I had left. Imagine if something happened to her and I never knew about it.

She doesn't answer, but except addresses Eve to leave the room. "Eve, honey, can Gabriella and I talk alone?"

Eve's mouth hangs and she glances at me. "I told you."

"Eve..." I warned.

"Told you what?" My mom asked questionably.

"That you're messing around with Mark," Eve states abruptly.

My mom's whole body stills and it looks like the life is drained out of her. "Mom, she's joking," I reassure her, but she doesn't look reassured in the least bit. In fact, she looks guilty. "Mom...Eve's just joking. Right?"

She gulps, blinking quickly. "Um...I-I..."

"Mom." I forced myself to face her fully. "You're not doing anything with Mark," I state matter factly.

"Actually..." Her watery eyes meet mine.


*Jackson's POV*

Just as I turn to the apartment key and open the door...


I turn to the side to see Eve sitting quietly in the kitchen with a hot pocket in her hand. "Uh...should I come back later or?" I knew she would find out eventually, I just didn't want to be the one to tell her. Because of that reaction in particular.

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