Meet Sunset Curve

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Eve's POV:

This summer has been okay. My family just moved to LA at the end of last school year. I spent most of my time sitting at the beach and writing lyrics, thoughts, or anything that comes to mind. Things have been a little hectic at home and I just stay away as much as possible. Mom and Dad fighting and making up every single day. Sometimes not making up. I try to stay out of it.

Today is the first day of school. I put on my clothes and put in my earbuds. I get to school pretty early and just sit on the steps writing a song while listening to music. I don't even realize people walking by me until someone taps me on the shoulder. I look up to see a blonde boy looking down at me. I take out my earbuds. "The bell rang,"  he says.

"Umm... Thanks,"  I say, grateful that someone pointed it out for me.

"I'm Alex," he introduces himself.

"Eve," I responded, telling him my nickname. 

"So, are you new here?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, can you point me to room A4?" I questioned, "I'm kind of lost."

"Yeah, we have homeroom together," he told me, smiling, and immediately I felt better knowing that I had a friendly face showing me around.

I got up and walked with him. He showed me to class, pointing out important landmarks as he went. Once we got to class, we took seats next to each other and the teacher gave us an assignment, but it was pretty easy, so we basically had a free period. Alex and I talked about everything. I learned that he was in a band with his friends. The bell rang and I got up to go to my next class.

Alex POV:

It's the free period right now. I run over to the band who is sitting by a tree. "Hey!" I yell while I'm walking up to them.

"Hey,"  Bobby and Reggie said. Luke is zoned out on his guitar and songbook.

"I met a girl today," I say, plopping myself down next to Luke. I nudged him and he just sat there looking at his book. I shake my head. "Oh yeah, what she like?" Bobby asks, looking at me.

"She seems cool," I told them.

"What makes you think that?" Reggie asks.

"She was sitting on the stairs listening to music and writing something in her notebook. It looked like lyrics."

At this, Luke looks up and says,  "She was?" I laughed and told them about her.

Luke POV: 

She was writing lyrics? Huh. I wonder if she's any good. My mind fills with questions. Then, the bell rang and I went to class.

We're sitting at our usual table and we talk about what we're going to play next. Then, Alex spots some girl and calls her over. "This is Eve," he tells us and we realize who she is. So this is the lyrics girl? I think to myself. Alex introduces her to everybody. "This is Luke, our lead singer, and guitarist. This is Reggie our bass player. This is Bobby our rhythm guitarist,  and I play the drums. We all wave at her as she sits down. We talk to her for a little while and as Alex said, she seems pretty cool. Especially, the pretty part.


Hey guys, I hope you like the story so far. I need help. I'm new at this and I can't figure out how to add a  cover of a picture at the top. You ca

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