Ch. 3: Angry or sorry?

Start from the beginning

"Friends... I can live with that."

"Good, because that's how it stays."

My determination was clearer than it appeared in my message, but I figured he was smart enough to understand.

"You won't say that when we meet and I ask you to marry me. 😉😘"

Argh! Stupid guy.

"See, that's the thing that fucks things up. I'm not interested in stuff like that."

"You don't want to get married and have kids?"

"I didn't say that. What I meant was that I'm not there yet, and I most certainly don't want to marry some random guy that stood me up on our first date."

I regretted it immediately after I pushed 'send', and even more when it took a while before he answered.

"I didn't. I already told you what happened."

"Yeah, you did. Sorry. 😔"

Then both of us were quiet for a while and I turned on the TV without really searching for something to watch.

"So..." he wrote after about twenty minutes.

"So..." I replied and smiled. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't deny that a part of me found him cute.

"Wanna give it another shot?"

"What? Another date? Riiiiight..."

"Aw, why not?"

"If you didn't notice, I don't handle stuff like that very well."

I sighed. Why was dating and guys so difficult for me? I just didn't get it. Why couldn't I be more like Gabby? Everything seemed so simple for her. Dating, flirting and just having fun in general.

"It was probably a sign that we're not supposed to meet," I added, and stared at my carpet. It was in desperate need of some vacuuming, but at least it was clean from clutter and dirty clothes.

"No. Definitely not. We'll meet sometimes soon, but since I'm gonna be really busy the rest of the month, I have an offer for you."

"An offer? Now why do I get this eery feeling?"

"I think you'll like it. 😉😉😉"

"Not convinced."

"Oh, you will. You already told me you love Michael Jackson. 😌🤭"

"😲😲😲😲!!!! I'm listening. 👀"

"Good. Who's your best friend? Except for me, of course. 😏"

I rolled my eyes, but was unable to wipe the fat smirk that pulled at my lips.

"Gabby. My only best friend."

"You are aware that you just upgraded me from best friend to boyfriend now, right?"

"Ha! You've sure got some balls."

I almost bit my tongue when I realized what I just said. Shit!

"As the matter of fact, I do. 😈 But I have too high morals to send dick picks, so we need to meet up for that."

"No!!! I don't want to meet you to look at your junk?! Please erase this from your memory. I didn't say anything, and neither did you."


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