~Erik Catch-up~

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Where you meet:
You are Aethelflead and Edward's younger sister. You were at the camp with Aethelflead when you were both taken by Erik and Siegfried and you rode back on Erik's horse with him.

Your age gap:
Him: 37

They confess their feelings for you:
"The moon really is beautiful." I breathed, looking up at the sky. The man next to me chuckled and lay back against the grass, looking, facing the sky. "Thank you for thinking of me."
"It was either share it with you or with my brother." He laughed, pulling my attention to him. "My father wanted to call me Máni after the moon God but," he smiled up at me, "every night, he gets chased around the sky by a wolf who tries to catch him." He explained. This was a story he had told me before- about Máni and how, when the wolf caught him, there would be no more night. "But my mother did not want me to be chased by wolves." At this, I giggled.
"Come, lay next to me." He said after a moment, breaking the silence. He moved so I could lay my head next to his, us both looking up at the sky over our heads. After a peaceful moment, he slipped his hand into mine and brushed the knuckles with his lips.
"You are very sweet, Erik." I smiled to myself. "I did not expect a man to be so kind- especially not someone like you."
"You have not experienced a gentle man, have you?" He asked, turning to face me. "I can tell by the way you flinched when I would place my hands near you before." I sighed.
"The man my father says I am to marry is not a pleasant man. He has made it very clear that I am not loved by him and that he only wants me to gain power for himself." At this, Erik sat up and looked down into my eyes to give me a soft look.
"Y/N," he breathed after a moment, "I cannot deny the fact anymore that I love you. I want you to me mine- to be my wife, to be by my side. I can't hide the fact that I want to kiss you every time I see you and that I want to show you what it is to be loved by a true man." He gentle pulled me forward so I sat up and face him. "Will you accept me?"
"Oh, Erik." The breath caught in my throat. "Of course I shall. You are the only man whom I could ever give my heart to." I smiled, running my hand across his face. Slowly, he began to move close to me before his lips touched mine in a sweet explosion of love.

Their favourite thing about you:
He loves that you have such a big heart and have love for all. You have so much love to give, especially to him and he adores his you do everything you possibly can to make sure that he knows you love him.

What they give you of theirs and why:
He gifted you his mother's wedding ring when you two were to be wed. He knew his mother would have adored you almost as much as he did and would want you to have it.

Your favourite thing about them:
The way he sacrifices everything to make sure you are happy. His whole day revolves around you and what you need and he would drop everything at any moment to be with you if you needed him.

How you sleep:

A song that reflects your relationship:Falling in love by Cigarettes After Sex

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A song that reflects your relationship:
Falling in love by Cigarettes After Sex

The nickname they call you:
He calls you my dearest, my love, beautiful and calls you his angel (after he learned what one of those was and though of you).

Your *first time* with them:
It was one night soon after he confessed his feelings for you. His brother had gone off to sort something out and so this gave him ample time to bring you into his quarters and make love to you. He was caring and sweet and kind but with all the passion and lust you could imagine.

Their favourite place to kiss you:
He loves to kiss you on your hand. He holds your hand as much as he can so he can always feels close to you and so he will kiss your hand as a small sign of affection. Though he does love to kiss your lips when you two are more alone.

Where they propose to you:
Your relationship had to move very fast. He asked you to marry him almost straight away and, of course, you accepted. He took you down to the river in the late evening and asked you, giving you his mother's ring.

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