What they give you of theirs and why (actors)

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He gave you one of his bracelets. You would always play with his bracelets and one day he just tied one around you for no really reason. You have never taken it off.

He gifted you his grandfather's piano. When he found out you could play, he wanted to give you something special and, when he found his grandfather's piano, he asked his parents if he could give it to you. You found it so sweet and make an effort to always play it for him.

His t-shirts. You always end up with some of his t-shirts whenever you stay with him and he likes you to have them because it makes you feel happy. You sleep in them when you miss him.

His books. He too loves to read and you always swap books as often as you can. You enjoy all kinds of genres so he is never short on books to give you.

His hoodies. You wear his hoodies most of the time if you are at home. You love to sleep in them. He thinks you looks so cute in them because they are long enough to be a dress on you so he makes sure to lend you his most recently worn hoodie.

His advice. To you, it's priceless. He always sits down with you and listens to you and talks with you about things and tries to help if he can. He would never want to see you struggle if he can help it.

Hair ties. You always loose your at the worst possible moments and so she will hand you one of she's around- plus, she think you look really hot in a pony tail.

Her lucky key charm. She swore blind that that key charm got her through her GCSEs and, when you needed a bit of luck, she passed it on to you. She is a firm believe in lucky charms and wanted to give you the best chance.

Sketches of you. He likes to sketch- actually, he's very good at it. You are his favourite subject to sketch and he keeps them all in a special notebook that you can look through any time. He wants to make you see how beautiful you are.

A scrap book. She knows you love to collect small things like that and keep them in one place so she bought you a scrap book and put pictures of her and you two together on some of the pages.

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