~Siegfried Catchup~

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How you meet:
You were the Alfred's niece. You had been with Aethelflead and had also been captured by the brothers because of your royal blood. While Erik was taken with your cousin, Siegfried was intrigued by you. While he was sharp and unkind to your cousin, he never so much as laid a hand on you (and god help any man who did)

Your age gap:
Him- 36
You- 17

They confess their feelings for you:
     "I can not do this, Y/N. It's stupid- who would want to read, anyway? What use does it have?" Siegfried huffed in frustration. She giggled to herself, shaking her head at the man.
     "You, Siegfried Lord of Chaos, who has killed men and taken land in England can not learn to read and write?" She almost teased, earning a stern look from him. "Pick your pride up off the floor and look back at the book." She said, making the brunet's eyes widen.
     "Most men would hit you for speaking to them that way." He replied, firmly. Y/N shrugged.
     "I apologise then, Lord." She stated, timidly.
     "Stand up, Y/N. Maybe it would be good to teach you some manners." She stood up straight and watched as Siegfried too stood up in front of her and raised his hand back. She inhaled as he brought it close to her face, before he stopped and instead cupped her cheek. The girl exhaled sharply in surprise.
     "You should know that I am not most men, Y/N." Siegfried's voice was soft. "Besides," he smiled, "I am very fond of you."

Their Favourite thing about you:
He loves that you take shit from nobody. You speak your mind and stand up for yourself. You don't let men push your around just because you're a woman and you always fight back. He loves your strength and independence.

What they give you of theirs and why:
He gifted you his mother's bracelet in an attempt to show you were his. He wanted you to have something meaningful to him and he though it would prove that he loved you as he want good at showing his emotions.

Your favourite thing about him:
His vulnerability. He was only ever vulnerable to two people in his life- his brother and you. He was proud and rarely let his guard down but around you he felt safe and was able to show you his true feelings. His let you see every part of his personality, including the part where he cries, and is angry, and happy.

How you sleep:

The song that reflects your relationship:For Your Love- Måneskin

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The song that reflects your relationship:
For Your Love- Måneskin

The nickname they call you:
He usually just calls you your name but will show his kind, romantic side when you two are alone and call you his queen

Your *first time* with them:
News of the impending battle was spreading and that meant your possible return to Winchester. That night, Siegfried took you to his bedroom and showed that he loved you in case he never got to see you again and that way he had shown you his true feelings- he wasn't a man of words but a man of action, after all. He was kind and gentle to you, something you didn't expect and he made you feel safe and loved.

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