Siegfried Imagine- 1.0

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     The heavy door to our cell rattled before it was thrust open, loudly banging off the wall behind it. My cousin looked at me, sheepishly, as Siegfried entered the room, the guard behind him. I gave him a smile, all be it a confused and scared one.
    "Come with me." He said. I glanced at Aethelflead, who now stood up, as I made my way to the brunet's side.
    "Where are you taking her?" Me cousin demanded as we walked out of the cell. "Where are you taking her?" She yelled out as the door slammed behind me. He brushed his hand over my arm making me flinch a little. Siegfried noticed this and sighed.
     "Please, my darling, do not be afraid of me." He gave me a soft look and dragged his finger delicately over my cheek. "I would never hurt you." He sounded almost sorry.
    "I know you would not, my love. I'm sorry. I was just a little startled, I didn't expect you and you seemed rather angry." I explained, making him chuckle.
    "You said we can not let your cousin suspect us." He flashed me a grin before he stole a kiss, his hands firmly wrapping around my waist. I enjoyed it when he held me closely. "Now, my Queen," he rested his chin against my head, "you shall sleep by my side tonight in a warm, comfortable bed." He said, jovially, before taking my hand and walking me across the camp.
    Almost everyone knew of our relationship, apart from my cousin. It was part of our plan: when the impending battle did arise, a few days before hand, I would be 'taken away' by Siegfried and supposedly be taken back to his homeland. That is the story my cousin would hear and would tell my family. Then I would be free. In actual fact, I would also be doing my cousin a favour as the night of our rescue by Uhtred, I would be taking Siegfried away from the camp, to a small, hidden house about fifteen miles away, leaving her to be able to make off with Erik, without any interjections. At least, that is how things were planned to be but plans can change and, if Siegfried did discover his brother's betrayal, he would surely refuse to leave the camp and would instead hide me there.
     He took me straight to his bedroom, which overlooked the river. He led me inside and closed the door over, softly, as to not wake his brother, who was in the next room over. I made my way to the left side of the bed and sat down, smiling softly. The man then made his way to stand in front of me, taking my hand before slowly kneeling to my height so he could kiss me with sweet, innocent passion. His lips moved against mine slowly and carefully; he was not too rough, not too gentle and full of love.
     "I do love you, Y/N." He assured me, cupping my hands in his own much bigger ones.
     "I know, Siegfried. And I love you too, more than you will ever know." I gave him a reassuring and truthful smile, my eyes delicately looking into his. He stole another sweet yet chaste kiss before he stood up, and walked around the bed to his side. He always slept on the right side.
   He lay his armour on the floor, dropping his belt with it. He then took his sword and lay it against the wall next to him, just where he could reach. I always knew that was why he slept on the right, as he was between me and the door, so he could protect me. He kicked off his shoes and swung his legs onto the bed, laying down. He held his arm open and waited for me to slip beside him, my head resting comfortably on his chest and his arm wrapped around my waist, firmly, holding me closely to his side. He liked to trace patterns on my side- he told me they were runes, a language that was apart of his culture, that were meant to protect me. I found it sweet.
"Siegfried," I whispered, breaking the silence between us. His lips were resting against my head and his arm still around my waist.
"What is it, my darling?" He asked, softly, looking at me.
"I overheard you talking with Erik," I began, a little afraid. The brunet just gave me the same soft look, waiting for me to continue. "Was- was it- it true what you said- about you not wanting a wife and children?" I was scared for his answer. Scared he would think I was listening into what he was saying and hearing things I wasn't meant to; scared he would be angry; scared to find out that he didn't in fact love me.
But he wasn't angry.
He pulled me closer to his side, his grip a little tighter. He brought his hand to my face and touched my cheek. His eyes glistened with regret and sadness.
"I want only you and nobody but you." He stated, his raspy voice barely more than a whisper. "I have never loved before you and I doubt I could ever love again the way I love you, Y/N." He traced my cheek over with his finger and thumb. "I want no wife unless it is you and I want no children unless they are ours." He announced. I gave him a wide smile and he kissed it with his own wide, adoring smile.
      "Good, because I want nothing more than to just be yours, Siegfried." I said wholeheartedly, as we broke away from each other.
     "We must start making wedding preparations." He announced, jovially. "I will not have my Queen having anything less than the best." He added, grandly. "People will come from miles around."
     "I though you needed all the silver you had to pay your army?" I questioned, a little immaturely. I was teasing him, of course. And he smirked devilishly.
      "We can spare as much as I like, Y/N. I get what I want, my darling, and now you too shall get what you want." He flashed me a hungry-eyed and yet unsure look. His eyes flashed from my own, to my lips, then to my neck, then back again. Slowly, he placed a few hungry kisses to my neck, his grip on my waist getting tighter. "You are the Queen of my world and you will be treated like one."
     "You should not idly worship me." I don't know why I said it, for he was not a Christian and nor was I a very good one but it just sort of slipped out. He smirked, clearly thinking of the other meaning of idly.
     "My worship of you is anything but idle- just wait until our wedding night." He looked up at me, sitting across his legs, my arms wrapped around his neck.
     "What if I don't want to wait until then?" I asked, innocently.
      The morning was gloomy and overcast and clouds hung heavy with rain in the sky. The door to the prison room was opened by the guard and I waited by Siegfried's side until he dismissed me. His hand was placed over the small of my back, something he did when we were near my cousin to avoid her suspicion but  to still let me feel near to him. Once the door was fully opened, the man reluctantly sent me back inside. He looked on with sorry eyes as the door closed behind me and I was separated from him once again.
     "Y/N," Aethelflead raced up to me. She took my hand in comfort and checked me over, noticing my poorly done-up ties on my dress and the love bites that lined my neck, shoulders and chest (although she could only see the ones on my neck). "My dear girl," she looked as though she might cry. I faked some sorrow. "Siegfried, did he-"
     "Yes." I cut her off, knowing what she was going to say. I went to sit down but jolted a little at the small amount of pain. It took everything within me not to smirk, as I know Siegfried had that morning when he found out I could hardly sit up properly, and instead I looked to my cousin with sad eyes.
"Did he hurt you?" She asked, gently.
"He was surprisingly gentle." That was the truth, although my tone suggested I had not enjoyed every second of it, even the brief moments of pain.
"I did not expect you to be gone the whole night." She stated.
"He didn't want to stop." That was a lie. It was I who had begged him, again and again, from the late hours of the night almost until sunrise, to touch me, to show me his different touches, to kiss me, to hold me and to make love to me again and again and again. It was my idea of heaven.
"Was it just you and Siegfried? Did- did anybody else-"
"No, do not worry. Erik has been faithful to you, Aethelflead." It was a selfish question for her to ask but, then again, in the same position, I would have asked it too. She nodded, once, before turning away. Erik was a good man and we had both agreed to keep the secret of the other for the benefit of us both- he did not tell my cousins of my engagement to his brother, and I didn't tell his brother of his engagement to my cousin.
"Get some sleep, Y/N." Aethelflead instructed and I obeyed, laying back on the bed, engulfing myself with thoughts of Siegfried.

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