Your favourite thing about them (characters)

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His demeanour. You actually find it funny how intimidating he can be to others because he doesn't intimidate you. It's actually the other way around.

His protectiveness. God help any man who do much as looked at you wrong because Finan would kill him. Sometimes it frightened you how angry he could suddenly get but you knew he was only doing it out of love for you.

His sarcasm. He is the most sarcastic person in the world and you share the same sense of humour.

His shyness. He tries to act all tough but he is so shy and cute. You love that about him because you find him adorable.

His jealousy. In public, he would make sure every man knew you were his and his only. He would fight any man who gave you 'dirty' looks as he thought you should be treated with more respect. He gets jealous very easily and you find it so attractive.

His stories. Every night, you together put his sons to be and tell them stories. You always love hearing his stories and tales that he tells his two young boys, almost as much as they do. You find them so exciting as you have never been allowed venture outside of you home.

Her cunningness. That woman could kill you while you sleep by you find it more of a turn-on than a threat.

Her determination. She will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals and she will not stop until she has seen it through. She will not hesitate to put her job over everything else and you respect that greatly.

His smile. His smile could make you feel every good emotion at once. You loved the little dimples in his cheeks when he did and he loved to make you smile too.

Her ability to manipulate people. She could get what she wants, when she wants, if she wanted to. She can lie so easily and you find it really attractive how she can twist a tale to fit her narrative.

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