Cnut imagine- 2.0

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      I walked through the camp shyly, keeping my eyes low, trying to avoid the stares I gained as I walked through. I passed through the crowd, unscathed, and with a feeling of relief, I managed to raise my head for the last part of the journey.
    Just as I looked up, a man whistled. A shiver went down my spine. I had to walk past the table where the six men were sat, as it was between me and my betrothed's hut, and so, putting on a brave face and with a deep breath, I continued walking.
     "She needs a good humping." One of them said. I knew him as only Sven. The other men at the table- one I knew well, as he had made several attempts on me before, called Bjorn, the man to his right called Rollo and his brother Thor, but the other two I didn't know. They were all strangers to me, and that made it worse. "Problem is I couldn't stop if I started- she'd certainly be pupped before the end of the night." The men laughed as if I couldn't hear them.
    "Don't want to pup your whore." They all laughed again as the other man spoke up. I shuddered. I walked faster. I wish I couldn't hear what they were saying. I walked faster again. I was holding my breath.
     Finally, I could see safety in Cnut's tent and I hurried inside, practically hurling myself through the doorway.
    "My dear," he was facing away, "is that you?" He asked, turning around. I stood over the table in the corner, catching my breath, hiding away as a tear slipped down my cheek, followed by another. I could still hear them talking in my mind.
    I flinched. A pair of soft, recognisable arms snaked around my waist. His lips were halfway to my neck when he stopped.
    "My dear," his voice was soft. I still couldn't look at him. "Y/N," he moved to stand beside me, taking my hand, making me look at him. He could see the tears on my cheeks. "What is the matter?" He asked, concerned. I just shook my head, embarrassed and afraid. I broke free of his touch and moved away, leaving him standing there, with evident hurt on his face.
    "Y/N, please," he begged, "tell me what I have done." He paced up to me and took my hand. "Whatever I have done I will make it right, I swear to you."
    "It's not you, my love, you have not done anything." I stated, relieving him. He stood quietly for a moment. We both stood quietly. I looked up to him and smiled. "I love you." I stated.
     "My touch has offended you." He then said, glad questioningly and half stated. I shook my head vigorously.
    "No, no, Cnut it has not-"
    "So why did you flinch and shy at my touch?" He asked. I couldn't answer. "Have you been touched by another?" Again I couldn't reply. "You love another-"
     "No! No! Cnut, I love only you." I assured him frantically. I touched his face delicately and he wrapped his arms around me. "I swear no other man has laid his hands upon me."
     "But they have tried?" His voice hardened a little. I swallowed the forming lump in my throat as I watched his expectant eyes search for an answer.
     "They make comments, Lord." I said, timidly. "Say things that no man would wish to hear another man speak about his wife. They say things I do not wish to hear them say."
    "Who? Who says these things?" He pressed, his face still soft and yet his eyes were flaming with the look that he was going to kill a man.
    "A lot of men in the camp do, they almost all do but the worst is Sven, he-"
    Before I could finish he stormed out of the tent, stomping his way through the ground, with me following behind. The camp was full with men drinking and women weaving or sewing in the sun. Sven and his friends hadn't moved.
      "You bastard." Cnut cursed as he approached the table. The brown-haired man looked up just as the ginger man grabbed him by the neck of his shirt, dragged him up and slammed him down on the table. The man didn't try to fight back and instead just squirmed. "You like to look at her?" Cnut was filled with rage. "You like to look- stare- at her, huh?" Sven didn't reply. "What about you like to talk about her- about how you would defile her."
    By now the whole camp was watching, staring in in am amazed gawp as Sven squirmed helplessly under the leader's grip.
    It felt good. So good. Seeing him squirm the way his words made me squirm. I wouldn't deny it.
     "What did you say?" Cnut demanded to know. Again, Sven stayed quiet. "What," Cnut bored his face down towards the man's, spitting his words through gritted teeth, "did you say?"
     "That she needs a good humping and that I would surely pup her in one night if I got the chance. I wouldn't stop riding the whore." He finally said, a final push of cleverness and balls in his words. At that, Cnut seemed to back off, letting the man sit up and run his saw neck. He breathed with a sigh of relief.
    The the ginger leapt for him. He smashed his head down onto the table and fought, digging his fingers into his eye, roughly, earning a scream from the man. Cnut gouged into the socket before he pulled tore out the eye. Sven screamed in pain.
     "You don't deserve to see such beauty." He spat onto the man, who had now crumpled on the floor. He tossed the eye onto the floor. "Let this be a lesson to all of you." He adresses the camp, scanning the faces of every onlooker. "That Y/N is mine! No man here is to disgrace her beautiful and tender nature with sick comments. If I hear another man speak of her that way, there will be no other warnings." He bellowed. "She," he looked directly at me, a small smile on his face, "is mine."
I stood still and watched as the camp slowly turned back to normal, the screams from Sven subsiding as he became subdued by his friends. My mother looked on from the crowd with a look I had never seen her give before, and she then quickly turned away as the saw Cnut walk up to me.
"I love you, Y/N. No man should dare to spoil your beauty." He took my hand and kissed it. "You are like a sweet summer flower-"
"Just waiting for the right hands to pick me." I giggled softly at the saying. My mother had said it, warningly, to my would-be husband the first time she met him but we had both laughed about it afterwards.
"That's her way of saying that she likes you." I had assured him. He just laughed.
"I think that's her way of telling me she isn't happy with me taking her daughter's virginity, even if we will be married and you will become mine." He had kissed me after that, a smile on his face.
His hand touched mine as he began to walk me back inside to his hut, that would soon become ours. I was still shaken, mostly by the amount of pleasure I took in watching Sven suffer miserably- these small Sadistic tendencies were a part of Cnut that were rubbing off onto me. Once safely inside, the ginger man pulled me into a tight embrace, holding my closely by my waist and shoulders, his head resting against the side of mine.
"My darling," he said, softly, "forgive me."
"What?" I gasped. "For- for what?"
"For the way I acted. I should not have been so rash and so violent but I will not tolerate men-"
"Cnut." I stopped him. "To the gods I love you."

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