Where they propose to you (actors)

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He proposed to you after two years of dating when your two families were on a planned trip for Christmas. Everyone but you knew of course and helped Alex keep it a surprise.

He proposed in private when it was just you two alone in your house one evening. He dragged you out into your garden at midnight to ask you under the moon.

Your relationship moved very fast. He asked you after just one year of dating but, of course, you said yes. You spent Christmas with him in London and he wrapped your ring up like a present and gave it to you Christmas morning.

He took you for a walk along the pier where you first got together and popped the question at the end, near to sea.

He took you out into the markets every Christmas since you had been together and that year, your third Christmas together, he got on one knee and asked you in the street as the snow started to fall. It was like something out of a movie.

He took you on a surprise trip to Verona and asked you after you put a padlock on Juliet's Bridge. It was very sweet.

Neither of you really proposed because what you had wasn't something about marriage or defining things with a title. It was just love and neither of you felt like you had to tie yourselves to each other to prove that.

You asked her on New Years Eve at a house party. It was the best start to the year.

He drew many pictures of you and would often leave them around your house for you to find but, one morning, after you had come back from your run and he had gone to a meeting, there was a picture of you in a wedding dress with a ring tied to it. He got back just as you found the note.

There was never any discussion of marriage in your relationship. You didn't get married but you were each others and you both knew it.

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