Their favourite thing about you (characters)

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Your attitude. He loved it when you fought back and got feisty. He found it so hot.

How caring you are. You always put his safety and well-being above his and extended that to all his friends. You tended his wounds and kissed them better.

The way you kiss him. You are so gentle and kind to him, always and, when you kiss him, it can always make him feel grounded and calm.

Your life experiences. You know so much more about the tea world than him and he finds if fascinating how you know things he doesn't.

Your courage. You never back down from anything- be it a fight, a challenge or facing a fear. You live by growing for your mistakes and he adores how hard you try.

The way you treat people. You treat everyone kindly and with respect. You treat his sons like they are your own and show them love when they need it but aren't afraid to scold them if they deserve it. You aren't afraid to tell him if you think he is in the wrong but only do it out of love.

Your smirk. She finds it priceless when you give somebody that sly smirk of yours and loves it when they find out what it means.

The things you are willing to sacrifice for her. While she knows it seems selfish, she can't help but utterly adore the way you are willing to risk everything- your job, home, life- just for her.

That you understand him. You like to play his own games with him and you love to tease him and be playful whenever you have the chance but you can also be the most comforting person when he needs it. You know all his deepest fears, secrets and inner thoughts, sometimes before he knows them himself.

Your ability to not care. You don't care what others think about you and you always act how you think is right. You rarely give apologies but when you do, you mean them and you always have an answer for everything.

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