We were the first to arrive, and the press wasn't there yet. For this, I was thankful, as I don't have any time to waste answering their endless questions.

I beamed in pride when I saw the decorated venue. It took us several days and sleepless nights to make it look like it does now. It was a long process, especially since Lillian wanted to change everything the designer team had decided on before we were there. She was pissed at the project director who treated us like some school teenagers, and she made it her mission to piss off the woman.

The next hard part was security. We hired nearly a hundred bodyguards and stationed them around the ball. It was a bodyguard in every corner. We divided and each of us took it upon himself to recheck on his designed missions.

Lillian and Melissa checked the guests' list, the tables' seating arrangements, and the chef's preparations for the food. While I and Enzo re-checked the security cameras, the bodyguards' stations, and the safe room where we put the necklace.

By the time we were finished, the first guests started arriving. Against my better judgment, we allowed Melissa to be the one who greets our attendants. Lillian was responsible for guiding our guests and answering any questions they might have.

One hour into the party, the don, and Grandma arrived. I headed to their direction, but before I could make any move to greet them, my Grandma took me in her arms. She smelled of Lavender and Vanilla, it was the smell of home. I hugged her back and waited for a few moments before I pulled back.

"Hello Grandma, you look stunning today," I said as I look at her burgundy fancy dress. My Grandma just shook her head at my praise and said with her usual warm smile. "You are so handsome my boy. I am sure some hearts will be broken by the end of tonight."

I looked from Grandma to Grandpa, who was standing tall and menacing like always. His face was stoic and void of any emotion.

"Hello sir, I hope you will enjoy the party," I said formally. Grandpa just nodded, took Grandma's hand, and together, they disappeared in the crowd.

If anyone knew Rafaello Salviatti, then they would know the man held grudges like no one else on this planet. He was still mad at me and wouldn't be shy to show it.

After my grandparents, my uncles and their wives came next. I greeted each of them, and I was delighted when they didn't give me the cold shoulder. We didn't see each other in three years, but they didn't bring it up in any of the topics we discussed.

Finally, it was the turn of the encounter I dreaded all day. My father walked in the ball with his usual confident strides. I waited for him to finish speaking with some guests before I approached him.

"Hello, Father," I spoke formally and stretched my hand towards him.

My father shook my hand firmly and nodded in what I deciphered was satisfaction.

"You did well." He commented looking around the room.

"Thank you," I said awkwardly. It wasn't an everyday occurrence for Damien Salviatti to shower you with praise, even if it was small words of appreciation. So when it happened, you would be an idiot to not bask in it.

We stood in silence for some time, and then I had to open my mouth and destroy the peacefulness I was feeling. "Why didn't you bring Hunter with you?" I asked my father.

He put the glass he was sipping from on the small table between us and gave me a look that said, 'Are you really asking me this question?' "He didn't want to come. He is on vacation with his friends." He answered simply.

"Oh, I see," I said dumbly.

"When are you coming back?" My father's question threw me off balance, and I nearly choked on my drink.

The fall of our secretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon