Chapter 11 Coffee at the Café went Wrong

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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Jekaul's POV

I was in the dark waiting for her to just wake up. And yeah now i am sleepy head. I then felt asleep bedside her in just the sitting position, i was.
Then a few hours later i woke up and saw that Maril was not on the bed. Has that bastard taken her? I felt like my heart got crunched in a small paper ball. Breathing heavily. Sweat forming.
Suddenly then i heard some sobbing sounds from the dark corner of the room near the bathroom.
"Maril, dear, are you there?", i said approaching her.
"Don't come near me, Don't touch me.", she said shivering like hell. She was looking so cold. I turned the heater on and then again tried to approach her.
"I said... stay.. aw.. away.", she shuttered still shivering with cold. I sat in front of her, facing her. What the hell? She was scared from me. Why?
"Hey Maril, you are safe with-", i said but cutting me of she said.
"Come on, ahh.. you let your friends torture me last time...they took me.", she said with more fear setting in her.
"Babe, calm down. I'll not come near or touch you just listen to me. Ok?", i said calmly so that she might feel calm.
She nodded still shivering and sobbing quietly. Oh Lord, help her.
"See, i am recruit here. I just came to know about this all stuff on the day you got kidnapped.", then I paused and spoke again. "They told me we have the vampire queen but they didn't told me the name. So i was completely unaware that it was you.", I completed.
She was staring at me, sobbing stopped, shivering stopped. "You know what if you would have known that i was in here being tortured you won't stop them because you have always liked seeing me bullied, Don't forget before this life we had a mundane life and you knew what happened to me. You never stopped them, so please don't act good. I know this is just a trap.", she said, still scared. Curling her legs up to her chest. Trying to shield herself.
I tried to move to go near her but she screamed.
"Shh... calm down. I confess i was not able to stop my bullies gang because i was such a coward, A stupid but now things have changed.... please just once trust me.", I requested her, hoping she'll trust me. I always felt like trust is a burden but right now without her trust i am feeling miserable. Just please trust me.
"Oh really! Just stay away I don't trust you. Where's...Dec?", she asked her sentence clenched my heart and all she cares is about that warlock.
"He's safe and home.", i said. Hoping now she might trust me.
"Hmm..", she said still scared. Damn it. Why is she so scared? Well she looks so fragile.
"Are you hungry? Do want blood?", I asked her. Her eyes got widened as if i spoke something i was not supposed to or she didn't expected me to say so.
But then she nodded and i quickly got up and grabbed the blood bag that Alice gave me.
I got back where i was with Maril. Suddenly then i realised that she had a few injuries which were not healed. I should have got her first aid before the talking part but whatever lemme first handle her the bag and then get to work on her wounds. Oh sweet angle help her... i all of a sudden examined her face her eyes were black as hell and her fangs coming out from her mouth.
Without thinking for a second i gave her the blood bag and then i got away from her. As she drank her bruises got healed just the part where she was shot with bullets were not healed as bullets were still in.
"Thanks.", she replied when she was done drinking. She still looked scared but strong now. She removed the bullets just with her hand, no scream, no pain. She was now completely healed and i was watching her like an idiot.
I tried to get near her but still she was scared. I then sat beside her leaning against the wall. I looked towards her straight into her deep adorable blue eyes. She was still as water now.
"Maril, see i am not gonna hurt you. I just want to apologise to you and explain myself to you. Just one chance.", i said hoping she would nod and wow she did.
"See Maril, I don't know what this supernatural world means. I just know we had a life before it. And i just want to have your trust.", i said looking towards her. I just beg to angel please let her put her trust on me. I want her trust and that's all I want.
She smiled, more of a convincing smile. I let out a sigh of relief. Yeah!
"Are you sure? I mean you are an are supposed to hate low-blood line creatures like us." She said in confusion.
"That's what i said, I don't know this world but I know what was our real mundane world. So in that world I never ever hated you.", i said. Wait what just i said, yeah i have never hated her. She makes me feel different.
"Ok, let's just say, you try to have friendship with me.", i said offering her my hand, hoping she would accept it.
"Let's try it.", she said nervously accepting my hand.
There was a knock on the door. We both stood up and approached the door.
Simon, what the fuck he wants now? He is a total headache.
Maril seemed scared and she took a step backwards. I glanced at her and gave her it's-ok look.
I then turned towards the bastard and asked him, "why the hell you are here?", clearly he got that that i was annoyed by his presence.
"Just wanted to make sure you are all right.", Simon said. Why would i be not all right? And she's Maril not a monster or a demon.
"Can we go out?", i asked Simon. Hoping he would nod or else i am gonna snap his head as he has already caused a lot of problems in my life.
"Where?", he asked. Glancing towards Maril, i said, "home". That word brought a big smile on that pretty face.
"Ok be back by sun down.", Simon said in a brotherly concerned manner. I gave him a whatever look and shut the door as he then walked away.
I turned towards Maril then. She was extremely happy and her that beautiful smile...oh god I have waited for a long time to see that. That smile brings warmth to my this cold heart and my insanity kicks in because after seeing her smile all I could do is stare at her like an insane.
"So we are going out?", i asked not becoming insane this time.
"Where?", she asked curiously.
"We are just going out as normal people do, a lunch at a perfect restaurant and then roam around and finally I'll...drop you home. Ok?" I said as an instant plan struck my empty useless head.
She just nodded in excitement.
"But first i need a shower and clean clothes. I don't have any.", she said with a frown.
"Well then shall i ask Alice to bring you some.", i said and she hesitantly nodded.
She then went to the bathroom and i called Alice.
"Hey, will you lend me one of your dress. Oh wait it's not for me. For Maril.", i said
"Ok where are you guys going?", she asked
"On lunch in a mundane restaurant.", i answered.
"Okk I'll bring you one in few minutes.", she replied and hung up the phone.
I kept the towel out of the bathroom where she can easily get.
Knock on the door, oh it will be Alice. She is really a good friend.
"Hey liz", I greeted her. Liz is her pet name invented by the stupid me.
"Hi, here's your queen's dress.", she said with a smile. Queen is not mine. Well maybe i want that but no not now.
"Who told you she's mine?", i asked her raising my dark brows.
"Well I thought she might be your mate know you are fighting your igniter nature for her.", she explained. I didn't react. I don't like this mating thing.
"You know what i have a girlfriend.", i said. Hoping she might change the topic.
"Ugh..ok.", she said. "Choose any."
"Umm...let Maril choose, i am not into this.", i said shrugging.

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