Chapter 14 Encounter with The Maker

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"Hi, babe, are you up..." I heard dec say. All of a sudden I came back to my consciousness. Where the fuck am I? I glanced around. What is it? Panic rose inside of me. I was heavily breathing.

"'s okay, it's okay," Dec said as he came close. I sat straight and hugged him. His hand was rubbing up and down my back. I pulled back after a while.

The room was dark but I can see it clear as a day. Wait, what's happening? Last thing I remember was that I passed out on the floor when I hit the wall.

"How long was i passed out?"

"Almost 2 hours,"

"Where's Stacy?"

"Right here," Stacy said from across the room. She was on a couch with her elegant posture.

"Oh, hi," I responded as I looked towards her.

Abruptly I felt hungry. I was blood. I glanced towards Dec, he was already pale and tired because of all this. But I can't control.

"Here, take my vein," he said and tilted his head, exposing his vein. I can clearly hear his heart beating and blood rushing. I swallowed hard.

"How did you know?"

"I can hear your thoughts, you are so weak,"

Without thinking for a second I bared my fangs and bit his neck. As soon as the contact was made, Dec did a moaning sound and his blood felt more powerful than anything. It's just what I needed. It taste a hundred times good then the last time. I pulled back from him and licked my lips.

"Thank you, oh my god! You are bleeding,"

"Ah it's nothing. It will heal quickly because of the ritual thing,"

"Are you guys done? We need to go find the gem," Stacy said and stood up.

"Yes I just need to go to washroom," I said and went to the washroom. Everything feels changed, Stacy isn't the way I remember. A big bridge is created between us. I want my friend back. God! I miss Charlie.
I closed the washroom door and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes glistening. I took a deep breath and washed my face with fresh water and wiped it with the towel. As I made my way out, the first thing I did is that bear hugged Stacy who was standing just where she was.

"I miss you," i whispered against her ear.

"I miss you too, but the fate has different plans for us," she said. I guess the bridge has become way too long to cross. I really do miss my friend. I pulled away from her.

"Come on, let's go," she said and made her way out. We both followed her out.

"Where are we going?" Dec asked as we stood in the hall.

"To the territory of witch craft. To the temple of witches and warlocks. To the ultimate maker of witches," she said with great pride in her words. Her eyes seemed determined.

"Woah...why? I mean...its not that I and maker has the best relationship," Dec said, his face registering anger and surprise.

"As it is stated in the Old Books, the gem we want is buried inside of the temple, we need to go and find out," she said. When did she did so much research? Well but why is it a problem. We just go to the temple and come back, just as simple as ripping someone's head off. Ah!

"Then what's the-" I was interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Who's it?" I asked. I  went to the door. Oh, I so remember the smell.

"What you want?" I said as I opened the door with anger. The door almost banged on the wall. Izzy took a step in ignoring my question. I stopped her with my hand.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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Annoying Love Lust (under heavy editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें