chapter 4 Exploring Vampirism

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Chapter 4  Maril's POV

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Chapter 4

Maril's POV

I am very excited to know about vampirism. I want to meet more vampires and want to have more fun and blood.
"I am craving for more blood" - I said to Kyle.
"Follow me." - he said. I did as he said. It is dark outside, but I feel safe with him.
"Now focus on your legs and run" - he instructed. I followed his instructions, I focused on my leg and started to run. Oh god, the speed is amazing. I can feel the cold breeze flushing on my cheeks. I love it. Wow, now I don't need a car or bike anymore.
I love his company. He followed me and I stopped in the middle of nowhere. I started laughing out loud as I was very happy. He stopped beside me. "Now follow me" - He commanded and I did accordingly.
We stopped in front of a bar,  without any problems we went inside as I fed on two guys standing outside for checking, and dumped their bodies in the huge dustbin nearby. Haha, it was fun.
We sat near the counter. Kyle ordered two shots of tequila. "Drink it" - He said. I drank it.
"Alcohol will help to control cravings" - he said, smirking at me. I ordered two other shots, but after drinking a whole bottle of alcohol I am still not feeling drunk. Then I dragged him to the dance floor. We were standing close to each other, I felt his breath against my skin tickling me all over. He then suddenly grasped my waist, his touch was so warm and I needed more of it. It was fun.
I then instantaneously smelled blood nearby, my eyes started becoming black and my fangs coming out. I then followed the smell as I craved blood, and saw a girl whose elbow was bleeding because of some scratch. I rapidly grasped her and dug my fangs in her wrist. Her blood is so delicious. I drank every single drop of her blood, and oops I tore her wrist apart from her body. I kept her wrist beside her body and ran.
"Having fun, huh??" - Kyle asked with a smirk. "Yes, being a vampire is much more fun than being a human" - I said laughing. It's good that I don't need to worry about anything. I don't why but I feel so attached and attracted to Kyle.
"The sun will be up soon, so now we need to go home, I guess" -I said with an upset face.
"Let's go to meet my friend. Follow me" - Kyle said.
We stopped in front of the door of a pretty lady. She came out a little bit scared., and she smells  tasty. As she came out, I grabbed her and as I was going to bite her I flew back, and landed in the middle of the street. My hand got hurt but it quickly got healed. Oh, I love this supernatural healing power.
Is she a witch? I quickly got up and stood beside Kyle. They both were laughing. I felt a little embarrassed but I don't care.
"She is a witch. And she'll help you walk in the sun so don't feed on her or kill" - Kyle said, laughing. I gave him a big smile.
"You guys are invited in." - she said.
"Hey Amber, so how's your work going on?" - Kyle asked. She just smiled.
As I stepped in, I saw everything. The house was giant, old and antique. There were beautiful vases and paintings. The whole place was beautiful.
She then held my hand and dragged me to a silent room where she chanted some verses with her eyes closed and holding my hands near her face.
Abruptly an attractive tattoo showed up on my hand. What is that? Is it a curse or something for attacking a witch?
"What is that?" - I asked with confusion all over my face.
"This is what you needed" - she said and then went out of the room.
"You need to pay for it, beautiful" - She said to me.
"What do I need to pay?", I asked her.
Kyle said, "That tattoo will help you walk in the sun."
Oh, I need to thank her then. But the tattoo hurts.
"Thanks" - I said with a huge smile.  "How much? Can I use the card?" - I asked her.
"You have not told her anything about me" - she said to Kyle in a serious tone.
Kyle said, "She doesn't want your money, she needs your blood."
My eyes widened at his words. "How much?" - I asked in amusement.
"Fill that whole chalice" - she said to me.
The chalice was old and had beautiful designs on it. "What's that chalice for?" - I asked her with amusement.
"Don't ask a hundred questions and do as I say" - she said to me in a rude tone. I frowned.
She made a small cut on my wrist and placed it on the chalice, which started to burn.
Why the hell are my hands burning? 'OK, hold Maril it's just a little left to fill' I motivated myself.
"What the hell? You should have informed me before about her" - she told Kyle in a raised tone.
She quickly removed my hand from the chalice and again chanted some verses. The tattoo disappeared. "What's going on? Why did you remove the tattoo?" - I asked her, frowning.
"You don't need it. You are a delighter" - she said to me.
I am hell confused about what she means by me being a delighter.
"W-what?" - I asked Kyle.
"I told you 'you are special' and now this made it certain" - Kyle exclaimed, sitting down on his knees.
"You are our vampire queen." He said to me with respect in his words.
"How do I become a queen?" I asked Amber. She gave me a confused look.
"I think, you both need to leave"  she said to us.
We left that place and reached home. The sun was almost up, but I was able to walk in the sun without any daylight tattoo. Wow so now this is getting weird and exciting.
"Come with me. I will take you to my place or can say our place" - Kyle said to me, facing the floor.
I got near him and lifted his chin."You're my friend so please don't do that" - I said to him. He smiled at me as if he found heaven when I said so.
We reached a place in the middle of nowhere that looked like a bar from outside but as we entered it. My eyes widened, it was like a beautiful palace from inside. It is a little cold here but It's fine.
As I entered the hall, everyone started to bend on their knees with their heads down and a smile on everyone's face. It is becoming weird. Am I the queen of all vampires?
"Welcome, our queen!!" Kyle said to me. What the.. am I the queen for real. Three girls made their way towards me. I think three girl vampires.
"Come with us" - they all said together.
I nodded and followed them. They took me to a luxurious room with many blood bags in the refrigerator.
"Can I get one?"  I asked them, pointing towards those blood bags as I was so hungry.
One of the girls smiled and handed me one bag and said, "Queen it's all yours." Woah. Can't they call me Maril? It's a little weird. I just smiled.
There is a huge wardrobe filled with elegant dresses and heels; the jewelry is magnificent.
The three girls took out three dresses, each holding one. All three dresses are extraordinary. One of the girls said, "Which one do you want to wear for your ceremony?" What!? Which ceremony?
I need to go to the funeral. I can't be here for long. But it's still so early in the morning so I guess I'll make it to the funeral on time.
I quickly asked, "What ceremony?"a girl with a pink dress and beautiful hair replied, "Queen mark ceremony and staying together forever ceremony." "Your name?" I interestingly asked her. "Izzy" - she replied.
"Ok, I'll wear that dress" I said pointing towards the dress Izzy was holding, a black dress with beautiful red flowers. The other two girls left.
"Hey, Izzy"  I said in a friendly tone, but she didn't reply. "We can be friends if you want to be" - I said hoping she'll say something, and she just nodded.
"Do you know Kyle?" - I asked her curiously. "Yes, he's my big brother" - she replied. Oh wow, she is better than him.
"Is he some kind of boss or something?" - I asked her, rolling my eyes.
Her eyes widened when I asked her. She replied, "He's our king." What the hell is he the king!? Oh, now I understand why I feel so attached and attracted to him. But why didn't he tell me?

Kyle's POV

I am getting nervous about the ceremony. This ceremony is so important. I have still not told her that I am no ordinary vampire, I am the king. I hope Izzy tells her about me.
I then went to my room and took a warm shower and then got ready for the ceremony. I am wearing a black suit with black shoes. I applied gel in my hair and set it properly. I am getting more nervous.
I then went to Maril's room to see if she's ready, and told her about this ceremony thing.
As I entered the room I heard Izzy and her laughing and talking. She looks so pretty when she's laughing.
I cleared my throat to make them feel my presence. Seeing me Izzy quickly got up and left the room, slamming shut the door behind her.
Maril is looking so beautiful in this dress. She has applied red lipstick which made her lips more attractive, I want to taste them. They look so delicious and soft. She was staring at me.
"You look amazing" - I said again, examining her. "Thanks" - she replied.
Now I can't wait anymore to taste her, so I just got near her and grabbed her waist pulling her close to me. Whenever she touches me, I can feel my skin tickle and hot sparks going down my body.
"W-what?" - she asked. Her eyes were filled with lust and she was breathing heavily. She again opened her lips to say something but before she could utter a single word I pressed my lips on her.
Her lips moved with mine. She is indeed so delicious. I want her taste to last on my lips forever. Her hand reached my neck and her one leg wrapped around my waist. I deepened the kiss but suddenly I heard my name called from downstairs, so we broke apart.
"I'll be back soon" I whispered in her ears and cursed under my breath. She smiled and I quickly ran downstairs.
I saw that a vampire was bitten by a werewolf. If a vampire gets bitten by a werewolf then we can't heal and the poison of werewolf can kill us. But we take help from the witches to solve this problem.
I saw Amber standing beside him so I guess everything is under control.
"Is everything ok?" I asked Izzy and She nodded.
"Get ready for the ceremony, fast" she said to me. I smiled and went upstairs.
As I entered the room Maril was nowhere to be seen. I then sighted that the window was broken and there was a smell of werewolf blood in the room.
There was a note on the bed.
'If you want your queen back then stop attacking werewolves or will kill her with werewolf poison....'
I could feel the rage erupting in my veins. How could they dare to kidnap my queen?
I am gonna kill every werewolf.

[ A/N ]
Hey guy! I hope you like my book !!!
Keep reading as new twists and turns are still left to come!

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