Chapter 8 Hating Igniter

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Chapter 8Maril's POV

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Chapter 8
Maril's POV

•••Morning after Maril got kidnapped by igniters•••

I want blood. I think I'll die without blood now. My fangs are out and they are hurting me. I feel so dizzy. The locker is like a room. The walls were of steel and the front wall had a big glass through which I was able to see a little bit hazy. There was a small door to get out from this room but it was sealed with some spell so whenever I touch it, I fell like getting a shock and then I pass out. It is really painful.
I suddenly saw a figure through the glass. That figure was of some male but I was not able to make out who was it as my vision was blurry.
As the figure got near me, I saw some familiar face. Oh it's the kidnapper, Simon. The anger started to build up. He was looking at me and I screamed at him, "I want blood." He just smirked. I gave him an upset look but he totally ignored me. He threw a blood bag from the door. And then slammed it shut.
I rapidly grasped that bag and started drinking blood from it. Wow! Blood! It feels like I am in heaven. But I want more.
"You need to survive on that single bag for whole day.", he said cold heartedly said without even noticing that the bag is empty already.
"What, whyyyyy!?", I asked him more like screamed at him. "Yes, you heard right. You Are supposed to survive the whole today on that single bag and then we'll let you go.", he said but I know that they are not setting me free this easily. By the way why is Kyle not not here to rescue me. No he won't come, I guess.
Then Simon just went on his way ignoring me. Then again they sprayed vervain in the room. It really hurts me. It feels like everything inside me is burning. Again I got dizzy and I passed out.

Simon's POV

After giving her the blood bag I made my way out where Alice, Alec and Jekaul were having breakfast. I joined them.
They are laughing on some thing. As I approached them, they all were silent. "Can I meet her now?", Alice asked me with excitement. "She passed out because of vervain." I coldly replied. She frowned at me. "Why you want to meet her?", Alec asked. She smiled and said, "Vampire Queen are also known as beauty queen. So I wanna see how beautiful she is ?", Alice answered.
"What guys, we have vampire queen here?", Jekaul asked in confusion and a little shocked.
"I also want to meet her.", Jekaul spoke with excitement. I nodded my head no. "Not now later." I said. They all nodded.
"So you guys know he some warlock or something?", Jekaul asked with little confusion. Until I remember Antony is the alpha of werewolf pack in New York.
"No Antony is an alpha.", Alec said looking at Jekaul. "He did magic and you told the one who does magic are witches or warlocks...", Jekaul said childishly.
I laughed and said, "He is a werewolf and yes the magic he did was not his magic. The place already had the magic locked in it. He just unlocked it. It is easy. For that job you don't need a warlock or witch." Jekaul gave me a confused look. His brows were raised and eyes widened. He'll learn soon.
"I first need to go home and talk about this with my dad.", Jekaul said, he was a bit worried. "You can't go out without any training because shapeshifter demons are searching for you.", Alice said.
"What training?", Jekaul asked. "You need to learn how to fight and you need to choose your special weapon.", Alec said. Jekaul looked at him thinking about something.
"So when are we starting training?", I asked with amusement as I love to go training.
"Come let's go to the training room.", Alec said. "Ok, so you guys go to the training room and I catch you in a minute.", Alice said and went on her way.
We then went to the training room and practiced there for hours. But Alice didn't join. Maybe she would have gone on the hunt. (For killing demons.)
"Some is looking for you, Simon. He is waiting for you on the main door.", Ben said. "Who is it?", I raised my brows. "If you will kidnap the queen then king will come for sure to rescue.", he said with a little worried expression. I love him when he is worried. He is the best in handling the institute and he wants to be the manager of the institute.
"Why are you scared?", I asked him. "He is so angry that he would rip each and every one's head." He said to me. Hmmm... let's see.
I quickly reached the main door and saw Kyle standing there with fiery red eyes. "Why you kidnapped my queen?", Kyle asked. I simply answered, "You can take her.". He is so angry. I need to tell about her to him.
"But....first we need to talk.", I said to him. He nodded. We sat on the chair nearby. "You need to help her control her blood lust or else we need to take action against her.", I said. My words made Kyle a little worried but he is still angry.
"I'll take care of it.", Kyle said. I smiled and said, "Then wait here for a second. I am bringing your queen."
I walked back to the room where queen was locked.

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