The Lost One's Weeping 2

Depuis le début

Saying how we're sad and,

seeing a sweating Deku

saying how we're lonely?!

"I don't like how this is going..." Koda whimpers

"Neither do I." Momo states unhappily.

We see a cruelly laughing Bakugou

Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?

A crying Izuku

Can you even read his mind, see that kid's lost fantasy?

"Did this actually happen Bakugou?" Aizawa says calmly, although bone-chillingly

All Bakugou does is nod.

Most of the class look at him in disgust, before they burst out.

"Why would you even do that?! He's got an awesome quirk and he's amazing- you're just a heartless jerk!" Uraraka shouts with pure anger on her face.

"Hey! Hey! Don't say that! I'm sure Bakugou regrets it, and look! He's not the same guy he was before! He doesn't do that to any of us or Midoriya so they've probably slightly sorted things out! You're being the real monsters if you think something as horrible as that!" Kirishima defends "but bullying is not cool bakubro"

"Thanks I-I guess.. and I know..." Katsuki grumbled, staring down at the ground to hide the depth of...remorse?

The class quiten, dwelling on their shame and recovering from their slight shock at their own behaviour. 

The power of rage...was terrifying, even to themselves at times.

Bakugou lifting Midoriya by the collar

Can you even find the one, who dyed his red heart to black?

Hey, who could it be?


Hey, someone tell me!

Midoriya's notebook falling down

Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?

Midoriya holding his burnt notebook from the koi pond

"So that's why there was water damage to the notebook..." Todo says, slightly guilty that he had not guessed from the burn marks on his notebook

"Poor kid, I wonder what he was bullied so hard for. He has a wonderful quirk and a great heroic personality." Kamui Woods says to the rest of the heroes. 

"Yes indeed, great potential. I believe we will have to have a chat with this school to see how unaware of bullying they are." Cementoss adds.

Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?

A close up on Izuku's pained face

Gasps could be heard across the theatre until some of the audience break down and burst out, wailing. Bakugou's mouth lay agape, looking shocked, feeling tears start to prickle his eyes.

Did we really choose it right saying we're okay this way?

Bakugou and Izuku walking away from eachother, one looking happy, the other miserable- in that order.

Hey, just tell me how

It's not like I care now

More screen-moving of Izuku's notebooks

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