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My Mom and Momma are finally over the stupidest breakup in history. My eleventh year was hard. It was hard because I could see my Mom's selfish little tantrum, and I hated her for it. I could see how hurt my Momma was... I mean, you don't understand, I had never even seen my Momma cry.

But those months were so sad. Momma stayed in bed the whole summer. She tried to entertain me, but she was sad, she had no energy. She did not eat and she got really skinny, almost as skinny as Mom.

Momma's my bestie; I love her to death. I love Mom too but she is Camila Cabello. She is for the fans. My Momma's just for me... and my brother and my sister now I guess. Can I tell you, for the first five years of my life I begged for a brother or sister... now I'm not so sure. I mean I got used to being the only kid. Now I have to share my Momma... I already share my Mom with the world.

Luna, and Lucas were born three months after the wedding... or reception or whatever that was. They were cute, but noisy and stinky and I love them. Can I tell you how much?

They kept Momma sooo busy, that she didn't even notice that Rosie came over some times. Well at least, she didn't notice at first. She caught her once kind of sneaking out of my window one night when we kind of fell asleep watching a movie in my room. Then I woke up when I heard the garage doors open. "Rosie, it's ten! Your Mom is going to freak and so are mine."

"Oh shit... okay, I'll go out of the window." I nodded and headed for the garage. I ran into Mom on my way out there.

"Hey where are you going?" She asked taking a seat with Luna on the couch.

"Momma's here." I said continuing on my way.

"Leave Momma alone Kamryn, she is not in a good mood." She yelled after me. Please, I know how to butter my Momma up. When I got there, the garage door was wide open, but Momma was not in the garage. I ran out just as Rosie and Momma were coming back to the garage.

"Momma..." I started, but I got a death glare. Her hand came up to stop me from saying anymore.

"I'll talk to you, later." Then she pushed Rosie towards her car. "Get in the car." She got in and she looked scared. I watched the person that qualified as my dad, drive away with the girl I liked. She looked like a dad, but meaner. I was sort of scared for Rosie.

Later when we talked. Rosie said that when she was climbing out of the window and turned around, Lauren had been standing right behind her with her arms folded over her chest. As she drove her home, she said she just babbled apologies. Momma wasn't having it.

Needless to say, I got grounded for the rest of my life. It was so bad, the nanny would bring me to the studio so when Momma was working she could keep an eye on me.

Well that was kind of cool, because I love working with the soundboards. Then when Dinah comes over, we kind of have our own little make up party. She says she comes to get a baby fix without ever getting pregnant again. Dylan is five now and In Kindergarten, no more babies for Dinah and Normani.

All in all we are just one big happy family.

"Hi Kamryn!" I heard as I close the door to my locker at school.

I turned my head to see Rosie. She was hot. My heart thumped in my chest. "Hi..." I said and I swear Rosie's eyes swept over me. I blushed, my body felt really weird.

"Are you coming to English?" She said and kept walking her brown hair just kind of blowing in the wind. Oh man...

"Uh... Yeah..." I said and I began to feel really uncomfortable as I watched as she walked away, and I ran the other direction. I headed straight to the bathroom. Could it be? I ran into the stall and took a peek. "Holy Shit! I had a boner!"

The End

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