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I was having a good time with Kamryn, until we went shopping. "Momma, Come on! You have to look pretty for the next time you see Mom."

I looked to the side and I could see a few girls taking pictures of us. "Come on baby, let's go to forever 21, I don't want to be here."

"NO... you wouldn't have gone shopping there when you were sixteen!"

I raised my eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I can't wear anything that I could wear when I was sixteen."

"Well, have you tried? You don't look old yet."

"That's because I'm not old, Kamryn," I answered as she pulled me into the store, and I had to laugh a little. I don't wear as much black as I used to. My hair is back to it's natural brown color, it's like Kamryn's.

I am not the girl that I used to be. I'm grown, and I immediately understand why Kamryn wants me to 'goth up'; so that I could be attractive to her mom again.

"I remember you used to like things like this." Kamryn said. "You have to look hot for Mom. Show her you didn't fall apart because she left you."

I faltered a little. "I will be fine Kamz, but there are a few girls outside recording us and I don't want to be stopped by them, lets just go."

"Okay..." she said and we head back to the car. "It's just that Shawn keeps hanging around Mom again, and I hate him."

I blink... "Oh," She has a boyfriend. She has a fucking boyfriend? And out of anyone it could be, it was Shawn fucking Mendes. I take a deep breath. "What? Are they just hanging out? Or..."

"Yeah... No sleepovers or anything like that... Just, they talk to each other the way you guys used to. But no, they haven't fucked at least not that I can tell."

I grip the steering wheel. "Kamryn!"

"Sorry... but I can't see that it can be anything else but fucking at this point. Mom just keeps Shawn around for company. She gets annoyed by him easily too."

I sighed, "Kamryn, please stop using that word."

"But Momma, I need you to understand, you are going to loose her if you don't step up your game."

"Kamryn, your Mom doesn't want me." I said as I stopped in front of H&M. "Now, I don't want to talk about it anymore, got it?"

"Yes Momma." She said

I let her glamorize me, but my mind kept going back to Camila making those blissful sex faces under some dude named after a prawn. I hated him. As I tried on some clothes, Kamryn was busy texting someone. I tried to peek but every time I looked she deleted the messages. I sighed and just bought this super sexy black dress with a scoop back, and a bit of diamond detail at the shoulder.

"Let's get your hair done!" Kamryn shouted pulling my hand. I smiled indulgently and headed to my usual salon, which was a bit further down the road. She pulled the hairdresser aside and told him what she wanted for me. He looked at me and kind of smiled.

"Momma, can he dye your hair black again?" I looked at myself; I guess darker hair would make my eyes pop a bit more; I'm not against that.


"Yes!" She smiles and sits in a chair and waits patiently. Two hours and a hot makeover later we finally make it back home. I should have known, that when I opened the door, Kamryn would have done something I had not expected. She was excited and just couldn't wait for me to open my door.

"Surprise!" My eyes opened wide, Dinah, Normani, and Ally were inside and even Lucy.... I haven't seen these guys since the split; I thought I had lost them all, except maybe Normani. They were more Camila's friends than mine in the first place. Dinah came up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. Ally came out of the kitchen with a cake and two candles a 2 and a 7 lit. I smiled and blew out the candles.

Nothing like a night like this, to remind me that she's missing. This was supposed to be a happy time; it doesn't help. We chatted and laughed, but it was just so sad. Soon the girls were tired. And slowly they left. Ally left first, Dinah felt guilty, because she had been the one to serve me the divorce papers. Though we talked it out and I understand that Camila thought that I wouldn't be as angry if Dinah was the one to give them to me.

Normani and Dinah left next, they have little kids. They had to go. Then there was Lucy. She put Kamryn to bed, I took a swig of my beer and Lucy came to say goodbye. "You alright?"

I smiled. "Yeah, Thanks for coming."

She smiled back then ran her fingers through my hair. "It's like looking at a teenage Lauren again."

I drop my head; "Kamryn was trying to go back to the future with me. Get her Mom away from her new boyfriend."

"New boyfriend?" She asked incredulously, "What? You guys just like broke up two seconds ago."

"Yeah well." I said downing the rest of my beer and reaching for another. "All I want to do is crawl in a little hole and die."

I headed for my couch and sat. "Aww," Lucy said and sat next to me. "Give me your feet."

She massaged my feet and it wasn't long of whining drinking and rubbing that her hand traveled up my legs. It was to the point that she was practically sitting on my lap in a very familiar position. I looked into her drunken eyes, and I tried to clear my head I really did but I was horny, and drunk, and I just didn't give a fuck. Fuck it I'm single. I kissed her.

We made out forever on my couch. I don't exactly know how but we made it to my bedroom and I dropped her on to my bed. I locked the door as I pulled my dress over my head and she took off her clothes.

The next contact we had was skin, to skin. I didn't know if I actually did miss being with someone who wasn't Camila. There is a different feeling in getting worked over by Lucy's gentle hand wrapped around my sensitive member. Lucy was nice in her own way.

The morning rays hit my eyes, and I groaned at the pounding headache that followed. I stretched, and felt the naked body pressed against mine. "Oh my god... Oh my god!" I whispered and I shot out of bed as fast as the tangled sheets would let me.

Lucy startled. "What?"

"You can't be here! You can't be here... You have got to go!"

Lucy sat up in bed and looked around the room. "Holy shit..." She looked down at herself, then around the floor and kind of frowned.

"Go now!" I said exasperatedly.

"What if Kamryn is up?" I looked around wildly.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..." I ran around the room wildly, grabbing some underwear and some exercise clothes. "I have to get her to soccer. Stay here until we leave."

"Okay... Lauren." She said.

"No, Lucy. Stop, I don't want to talk about this. I can't. It was a stupid drunken mistake, forget it ever happened." I said pleadingly and headed out of my room. Kamryn was waiting at the breakfast table.

"Whom were you talking to?"

I picked up my phone and showed her. "None of your business." I grabbed a banana and handed it to her, she was just like her mother. "Let's go or you're gonna be late."

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