Eleven years

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It had been almost a year since we got back together. Our anniversary. We were doing it again. We were making our promises again. A week and a half after Lauren's birthday, two day's before Kamryn's birthday, just like before.

I wore an elegant black dress, it was the one I had planned to wear the year before for the Vmas but I stayed in bed depressed last year when I won my award instead of showing up to get it. Right now, it was the only dress that fit because the one I planned to wear was corseted, and I was too big for a corset.

I looked on annoyed, as Lauren zipped me up. "This is all your fault you know?" I told her. She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"That's exactly how you felt the last time." She said with a chuckle and a pat to my belly. "Besides, this was better planned than last time."

I sighed and patted my belly. "But I only had one in there last time. I'm only five months in and I look like a freaking house."

"You look beautiful." She said and kissed me deeply. The best thing about being pregnant is the sex. I haven't been this horny since I was pregnant with Kamryn.

I deepened the kiss and she moaned as she felt my hand travel up her exposed back, from her lower back up to her shoulder and began to push the dress off of her shoulders. "You're making this so hard for me." Lauren said pulling away.

I whined a little as she moved out of my grasp. And she chuckled as she went to the mirror to touch up her make up. I sighed and moved to sit at the bench of the vanity.

I touched mine up. Kamryn came into the room looking so pretty I nearly cried. But then again I nearly cry at everything beautiful now days. "Hi Mom, Hi Momma! You guys look so pretty." She said giving Lauren a hug then coming to me and giving me a hug.

"Thank you baby," I said continuing to do my make-up.

"Guess what Momma!" Kamryn said sitting next to Lauren. I looked at her, she had a huge smile on her face. I put the mascara down and put all of my attention on her.

"What's up, baby?"

"Rosie is here..." She said with an excited whisper. I smiled. Kamryn was beaming she couldn't sit still.

"Who's Rosie?" I asked. Kamryn covered her face a little embarrassed.

Lauren laughed, and I wrapped my arm around her. "She's Kamryn's date to the party."

"Momma!" Kamryn said.

"Date?" I said at the same time. She was not amused.

"Camz, calm down, I have to see this girl... she's the one that's been chasing her around the school and teasing her when she actually catches her." I stand up and go to the window overlooking the back yard. "Which one is she?" Kamryn groaned mortified.

Lauren laughed, and pulled Kamryn to the window. "Yes, let's see this girl."

Kamryn pointed out a girl stood next to Dinah. "Baby, please tell me she isn't Dinah's little sister?"

"Um... Surprise!" Kamryn.

"Too bad you aren't allowed to date till you're thirty." I teased.

Lauren smirked. "Forty-five, tops," She added.

"Oh my GOD!" Kamryn said and walked out of the room. Lauren and I dissolved in laughter.

"Wow... No wonder she's always getting Dinah to take her round Milika's." Lauren said.

"Alright, I think I'm ready."

Lauren looked at me and laughed. "Camz, your shoes."

"What? Barefoot and pregnant doesn't work for you?" I asked as I walked over to my chanclas by the bed and just stepped into them.

We walked out of our room to greet our friends and families.

My dad took Lauren's arm and walked her down the aisle. I walked down the aisle with Mike, whom I had grown closer to than my own dad. "You look beautiful," he said to me. I smiled at him, "I am so glad Lauren got you back."

"You and I both." I said then he placed my hand in Lauren's. The ceremony began, and I watched everyone there. They were the same faces as the last time with a few more additions.

Kamryn was here this time.

"Friends and family, we are here today to renew and strengthen the bonds that these two women share. Here on their eleventh anniversary of their marriage." The officiant stated. The two have chosen to sing their vows.

I looked at Lauren. I hadn't really sung with her in front of anyone since High school. She turned to me, and looked me in the eye and sang in her velvety contralto. The song that we sung together in private so many times since we've been together. It was our new song.

I looked into her eyes as I sang; she was tearing up.

We hugged as we finished the song. Then I kissed her and she deepened the kiss as the rest of the world kind of faded to the background. We must have been that way for a long time, because I began to hear a few nervous titters in the back ground. The officiant cleared his throat. "Ladies if you will, we will finish the ceremony."

The small gathering laughed as we separated. Lauren reached out for my ear and tugged at it slightly with a smile. "Sorry," I said to him and we turned to face him.

"May you have continued success in your marriage, and the endurance to work through the tough trails the road of life leads you." He said, "Ladies and gentlemen, once again I present to you, Camila Cabello-Jauregui and Lauren Cabello-Jauregui."

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