The Hell In It (Summer Special)

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{Warning: Blood and Intense Gore}

William was in the pizzeria. He had no authorization to be there at a time like this. There was no night shift since Boss was remodeling again. William had broke into the pizzeria for strange reasons of his own. He started to lure the animatronics to a certain spot one by one before destroying them. The souls of the animatronics now driven out of these metal bodies started to show themselves to William. William had gotten scared. "No! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He cried. He ran down hall ways and into the back room. The children blocked his only way out and William panicked. He looked around seeing an old spring-lock suit. It was good old Spring Bonnie. William ran over to the suit in panic and put it on. He laughed a bit feeling triumphant and seeing the spirits disappear. There was a leaking pipe above him. One of the drops from the pipe landed on the suit causing it to start to malfunction. The suit springs started locking into place. The metal tearing through his skin like a hot knife through butter. Blood leaked out of the suit. It was painful and William screamed in pain and agony. He didn't want to die. The metal springs tore into his flesh, puncturing his organs and breaking his bones. William screamed. He screamed for help. His screams and screeches were muffled by the old stony walls of the pizzeria. No one heard them. Slowly but surely William died. Blood flooding the floor in the back room. But then something happened. William's eyes opened. He wasn't in hell or heaven. His was still in that stupid suit in the pizzeria. He was trapped there. When the workers found the suit in the room Boss decided to seal it off. Keep it out of contact with the other workers and visitors. Boss used the old suits and got them repaired by Mr. Emily. But he made sure not to fix them completely. He was going to use those things for the new Fazbear' Frights. William was never able to see the light of day again. But he still tried to escape. He wanted to get back home. To his family. To little Chris, and Elizabeth and even young Michael. But that will never happen. He won't see his kids ever again. But he will get to live all of eternity in hell. And what better hell than being trapped and unable to see his friends and family. To be tortured by the pain and sorrow that brings him. To be lost in a dark room closed off from the rest of the world. This is the fate he had brought apon himself. He brought pain and sorrow to the kids and their families. And he was the one to suffer like them. But... I always come back.

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