Day Shift Two

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You had almost forgotten you had morning half of the day shift. You were able to get a quick breakfast bar before leaving again. You noticed something different. A tall person, the same height as Scott stood near the back of the dinning room far from the stage. He had a phone on his head and bandages on his arms and hands. His sleeves covered most of what you saw. "Scott?" You called Scott's name not knowing if it was him or not. The man turned around. "(Y/n)? Is that you?" Scott asked he sighed seeing you. You nodded and stared a bit. "Did they replace your head or... what happened?" You asked him. You were confused but happy too. "I expected a 'welcome back' but I guess you're a little confused." Scott started. "Well after you saved me, according to the nurse, they took care of me and i'm fine but... I'm a little self-conscious and didn't want anyone to make fun of my scars." You looked at him knowing his pain. You were once a little self-conscious but you learned it didn't matter what others thought. "Well.... You don't have to worry. I would never hurt you... because... I-" You were cut off by the recognizable voice of William. "Scott? You're back, eh?" William said. You looked at the purple guy. You're one to talk, Mr. Disappearing Grape. "Yeah, I'm back from the hospital. Oh... Uh... (Y/n)? Weren't you saying something?" Scott said. The two men looked at you. You felt small. "No... it's nothing..." You say turning away. You were a little hurt by the mess up but you decided to work it off. Maybe at lunch break?? You watched over the kids for a while. You had to pull kids off the stage and keep a take a lost three-year-old to their mother and father. Finally it was your lunch break. You headed to the office and sat in the swivel chair. You didn't pack a lunch so you didn't have anything to eat. You saw Scott enter the office. "I thought you'd be here. So, wanna tell me what you wanted to earlier?" Scott asked you. You nodded and gathered the courage to say it. "Scott, I wish you would understand that i would never hurt you because I... I love you...." You told him before swirling in the seat. You heard a sigh of relief from Scott and the chair was forced to a stop and you felt Scott's lips on yours. You closed your eyes and melted into the kiss. Is this- Yeah it is. Soon Scott had pulled away and slipped his mask back on. "I love you too... (Y/n)." He said looking at you. You smiled and fell back further into the seat as you watched him leave. He really does love me.

Hold On (Phone Guy/Scott Cawthon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now