Summer Day Shift Part Two!!

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Vincent walked towards you and Scott and you couldn't help but laugh knowing why he was mad at you. "(Y/N)!! Stop hiding behind Scottie so I can yell at you!" Vincent said. You poked you head out from behind Scott and looked at Vincent. You then started running. Vincent chased after you. "YOU GAVE SOME RANDOM LADY MY PHONE NUMBER AND TOLD HER I'M SINGLE!!!" You heard Vincent yell from behind you. "ONE: THAT WAS STUPID! TWO THAT LADY IS PERVERTED AND A SADIST!" You continued to laugh more as Vincent chased you around the pizzeria yelling at you to stop. When you did it wasn't because of Vincent or the fact you were out of breath, but because there was a kid. The kid held a indigo balloon. Soon the kid disappeared and Vincent tackled you to the ground. You were a bit surprised and squeaked. "You owe me big time, love~" Vincent told you. You pushed him off. "One, You deserved a chance at love too and Two, It was funny... But there are kids so don't try anything. Plus Scott would be mad." You warned Vincent. Vincent sighed and got up. He helped you up and you saw Scott rush over to you both. "(Y/N)!? Are you okay?" Scott asked checking you for injuries. You nodded and looked him in the mask. "I'm fine. Just pissed off Vincent." You say adding a small laugh. Scott sighs in relief and looks at Vincent. "Chill, Vince." He said. Vincent was already chill. He had an ice bath this morning because it was so hot. Not long later it was your break. You headed to the break room seeing a tall young lad. He had brown hair and a mask as well. You had heard of a new employee from Scott. His name is apparently Jeremy Fitzgerald. You looked at the boy. "Hello?" You say causing him to jump a bit. He then looked at you. "O-oh, H-hello.... I-i'm Jeremy." Jeremy said. You smiled and looked at him. "I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)" You tell him. The boy nods and you have a friendly chat. Time flies by sooner than you thought and you had to leave to finish with your shift. Jeremy followed you out but returned to his section. You noticed him wave goodbye and waved back. You had made another new friend and talked to one of the dead children. It seemed you could be close to freeing them. It made you really happy. Maybe choosing the non-violet approach was a good idea. But if i mess this up someone could get hurt. You finished the shift with little to no worries. You and Scott walked home together and Vincent followed only because he lived next door to you.

Hold On (Phone Guy/Scott Cawthon x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu