The Start Of Your Explanation

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You and Scott had grow closer after yesterday's day shift. You had plans for some time together since you both were off. After yesterday boss had called and said he was remodeling the Pizzeria and getting new animatronics. You then just remembered out of randomness how long Scott was in the hospital. He was taken there, then he stayed a night and was back. It was odd. There's no way someone could heal that fast from injuries like that. You decided to ask Scott about it later. You got dressed in a (Favorite/color) T-shirt and blue jeans. You weren't one to get all fancy on a first time out. You the fixed you (H/l), (H/c) on your way out the door. You got into your car and drove to the meeting place you guys picked out. You saw Scott talking to some girl nearby. He seemed to be a little tense. You got out of the car and walked over to them. "Why do you wear such an idiotic mask? Why are you so tall? Do you know that tall people are more likely to get censer?" The girl was shooting questions at Scott but gave him no time to answer. "You seem cute. Do i seem cute? I like you. Will you go out with me? Will you? Will you? Will you?" She said. You barged into the conversation and looked at the girl. "One, He's deaf. Two, you look around 15 and he's in his twenties. Three, he is here on business." You lied. The girl looked at you. "I'm 18, I can use silent language and i'm sure he can spare a second to go on a date with me." She said. You pushed Scott towards a cafe and let him continue the walk alone. You then got close to the girl. "Well, if you really want to date someone I know a guy who's single." You whisper. The girl smirked. "Oh? What's his name?" She said her tone way less annoying. After a quick chat with the girl and selling out Vincent exchanging information you caught up with Scott. "I'm deaf eh?" He questioned. You shrugged and you both laughed. "So, since we're heading towards the cafe why not get some coffee?" You asked him. Scott pretended he was deaf for a second. "What?" He said in a mocking tone. You laughed and lightly punched him in the arm. "Okay, okay. So, coffee it is then. By the way... what did you tell that girl after I walked away?" Scott asked. "I just gave her a little talk to and we exchanged numbers." You said. "But.... I have a few questions. Not just about work and I need answers." You say walking towards the cafe. "Then... I guess it's time you get those answers. Even though it might sound unreal." Scott said.

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