Chapter 44

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Y/n pov:

"I'm not ready for this." I said and stared at the roller coaster. Max chuckled and put an arm around my shoudler.

"I'll be here to comfort you." He reminded. I nodded and the guy signalled us to come forward.

"Aren't you two a cute couple!" He laughed. I smioed and max chuckled.

"Thank you, here is our tickets." He said. The man took the tickets and opened the gate.we took our seat and someone came and strapped us in. A bar came down over my shoulder and on my chest, forbidding me to move. I glanced at max nervously.

"I'm scared." I whsipered. Max grabbed my hand and smiled.

"I got you." He said. I smiled and took a deep breathe.

"Okay!" I said. The guys yelled something and the machine moved to life. I let our a scream as the roller coaster sped forward. My hair blew everywhere and max clutched my hand.

"Max!" I screamed. He laughed more and let out a joyful yell. I laughed and we slowed down.

"What's happening?" I asked frantically. Max had a smirk on his face.

"The down hill." He spoke. He were right next to each other and I clawed not nails into his hand.

"What's that mean?" I asked. He didnt answer and chuckled.

"Max?" I asked. The roller coaster stopped and we were over a steep hill. My back wasn't pressed agaist the seat, u was up against the chest plate. The machine moved forward more and it rolled down the hill. I screamed and my back hit the seat and I grunted. More twists and turns and then the machine it the stopping point. The chest bar popped out and I lifted it up.

"So?" Max asked. I was panting because if loss of breath and laughed.

"IT WAS AMAZING!!!" I yelled. Max laughed and put his arm my waist and we exited.

"Hey look at that! I love these!" He excliamed. It was a little stand where you had to shoot the balloons with a fake gun.

He gave the man a ticket and held the gun up. His stance was horrible and he missed most of the shots. I giggled as he fornwed and turned to me.

"Watch and learn pretty boy." I joked and gave the man a ticket. I felt the gun up and shot. It one. Two. Three. Four. And five. The man looked impressed and gave me a large teddy bear. I can give this to delirious.

"Well done m'lady!" Max laughed and took a bow. I slapped his arms nd he laughed.

"Oh have you ever been on a ferris wheel?" Max asked. I gave him a looked and he grabbed my hand, leading me where there was a huge circle thing.

"What is this?" I asked. I've said that a million times today. He smiled and handed the guy our last tickets.

"Take a seat." Max ordered. I safe next to him and the guy gave me a smile and locked at bar that was in front of us. We started to move backwards and when I moved the thing rocked. I grabbed Max's arm and he laughed.

"Relax y/n it's a ferris wheel, it's a peaceful ride." He explained. I relaxed a little and slowly leaned back.

"There we go." I smiled. Max chuckled and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Wow it got dark, the moon is just starting to rise." I pointed out again. We reached the very top and we skrt to a stop.

"We stopped because other people get on and off." He explained. I nodded and he turned to me.

"This might be a little early to say this but....y/n I love you. You make my heart flutter everytime I see you. Your e/c shine with wonder. My stomach gets butterflies every time you laugh. And the scars you have are just pure beauty to me, they tell a story that means I survived something. I love you." He explained. I stared at him and smiled softly. I didnt k ow what I felt. Did I love him? It's been a few days but we've been texting non stop and i really like him.

"Sorry but it takes me a while to warm up but i really like you too max." I felt guilt shoot through my body and I looked away, embarrassed.

"That's good to hear. I will wait for as long as possible." He said grabbing my chin lightly and forcing me to look into his eyes.

"Thank you." I whispered. Max smiled and leaned in a little. For some reason I did too. Pur foreheads were touching and I giggled lightly.

"Your silly max." I joked and kissed his lips. He kissed back and we stayed that way for a minute until we pulled away.

The cart moved and then we got to a stop.

"Have a nice night kids!" The guy exclaimed and let us off the ride. I smiled at him and we walked away, our hands intertwined. I saw Evan's car and I stopped.

"I have to go, it's getting late." I said. Max nodded and moved soem hair behind my ear.

"Good night." He said and I replied with the same thing and turned away. Evan rolled down the window with a smirk.

"You broke the rulee." He teased. I scoffed and smiled. I got in the passenger door.

"Sorry, it was on the moment." I explained. Evan chuckled.

"I understand. Del and I did the same thing. Cant blame you." He said. I smiled and he put his car in gear and he drove home. Today was a lot of fun. Even though my pain came back a few minutes ago.

Evan pulled into the driveway and I got out with him. We walked into he house and I still had the teddy bear.

"Delirious!" I yelled. He came out a few seconds later with worry.

"I won you soemthing!" I cheered. Delirious's eyes glowed with excitment.

"Teddy bear!" He yelled and took it from me. He hugged and then me. I bit my lip trying not to keep back the pain.

"Well I'm tired so good night guys!" I yelled. They replied with good night as well and I walked to my room and changed out of my clothes into comfy ones. I hated the pain bit I knew it would be gone in a few days.

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