Chapter 43

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Y/n pov:

I groaned and opened my eyes. I sat up quickly and felt a wave of pain spread through my body. I gapsed and fell back onto my back and took a deep breathe. I slowly got up this time and looked around.

I was in our medic room and had only my sports bra, my leggings, and my socks on. I saw three was gauze wrapped our my stomach, arms, and my brace on my hands. I got up and saw saw my shirt torn. There was also a sticky note.

Hey y/n,

When we rushed you in here we had to remove your shirt and Brock ripped yours so I evened out the rip and made it into a long sleeve crop top, you can wear it if you want. Come up when your awake!


I smiled and grabbed my shirt and put it on. It looked really good but you could still see my stomach with bandages around it. I dangled my legs over the table and then slowly stepped off. I bit my lip, fighting back a cry. I moved slowly and awkwardly got up the steps and opened the door. They were all in the living room watching the news.

"How bad is it?" I asked. Their heads turned and the protective Delirious jumped over the couch and came to my side.

"Hey how are you feeling?" He asked. I shurgged and sighed.

"In pain but I'll live thanks to all of you
" I smiled. Delirious hugged me very lightly and I giggled which hurt my ribs.

"Here take this, it's the pill that took pain away quickly." Vanoss offered. I took it was sealed it without water. Vanoss patted my head sat back down.

"So you have broken and cracked ribs, a broken wrist, a lot of bruises and cuts, and I'm not gonna explained the rest." He explained. I looked down at my stomach and poked my ribs. And guess what? Pain shot up through my and I pursed my lips and nodded.

"That's great." I joked sarcastically. Brock chuckled lightly and I felt the pill kick in.

"Hey delirious can we train?" I asked. Brian bursted out laughing.

"Sorry y/n but I agree with mom Brock. You are not in the condition to train with Delirious." He admitted. I frowned. I sighed and nodded.

"What can I do? I asked. Lui snickered and whsipered in my ear.

"Hang out with your boyfriend." He snickered. I stood there stunned.

"How did you-" I know everything." He smirked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes with a smile.

"You have my permission to go and hang out but someone should come just in case." Lui suggested.

"I'll go." Evan volunteered. I smiled and he winked at me playfully. I nodded and slowly walked to my room and changed.

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