Chapter 14

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Y/n pov:

He staggered back and growled. I giggled. He ran at me and I roll out of the way and climbed on the ring and pushed off it, doing a round house kicked into his chest. He fell on his back and got up again. This guy didnt go down very easily.

I ran at him slid through his knees and climbed on his back and held him in a choke hold. He slammed me on the ground. Knocking the wind out of me. I let go and scrambled back up breathing hard. I threw a punch and more. Each punch in the face or stomach. I dodged under and above his. He was slow but if his punch hit you it counted. Mine were soft yet hard. A lot counted. He grabbed my arms and twisted it. I yelled out in pain and head budded him and poked his eyes.

"Fucker." I growled as I stormed towards him. He seemed afraid. I kicked his knee so he fell to his knees and slammed his head into my knee. He fell backwards with blood dripping down his nose. He stormed towards me and I blocked his punches with my forearms until he kicked my legs out from under me. I fell on my side and saw he had his elbow ready to smash into my side. I rolled out of the way just in time for him to hurt his elbow on his own.

"This goes on till one if you taps out." Delirious warned. I nodded and sat on his back and pulled his leg the wrong way and twisted. I heard a pop and a scream of pain. I kicked his side and he rolled away and and got up with a limp. He threw a punch and to my surprise it hit my temple. I stumble a little and felt my ear bleed. Big mistake. I ran at him and jumped feet first and kicked his face and did a flip landing it.

"Tap out before it gets ugly for you." I ordered. He shook his head and I sighed. I grabbed his ear and twisted it. He yelled his pain. This wasn't working. I let him stand and I maneuvered around him and jumped on his back and and choked him. He went to slam me into the ground again but I climb so I was clinging to his chest. He knock the air out of himself and I punched his face over and over again. Left and right.

"I tap out! I tap out! Please!" He begged. He scrambled away and tapped the floor rapidly.

"Did I do good?" I asked the gang. Lots
of shocked nods. Brock has tissues and rubbing alcohol. My nose and right ear was bleeding. I bled a lot and I didnt like it.

"How do you not bleed?" I asked Brock. He raised an eyebrow as he examined my face and ear.

"That's not my question to answer. I dont fight a lot." Brock chuckled. I nodded and looked at him.

"Why dont you fight?" I asked. Brock tensed up.

"I went to fight at a club and got ganged up on. They took me to their place and the gang had to save me. I couldn't fight back so they had me not fight. I was scared to fight ever since." He answered. I was shocked. He never told me that. I just thought he didnt like it.

"The past shouldn't stop your future. Its your choice but I think you should fight again." I suggested. Brock smiled and stepped back.

"All done. Now go ask someone how to not bleed." Brock ordered. I nodded and git up and looked around. There was Brian. He should know.

"Hey Brian I have a question." I announced. He stopped what he was doing and turned his attention to me.

"What's up?" He asked. I fiddled with my fingers and bit my lip.

"How do you not bleed when you get hit?" I asked. Usually when I asked a question I was laughed at.

"Well you will always bleed. A way to make less damage to your body is to get used to the cold. And you could take treatment." Brian shrugged. I nodded and fist pumped him.

I walked back inside and realized tomorrow is school. I hate going there. At least I can defend myself.

"What am I going to do for school?" I asked. Brock handed me a bag and a whole bunch of books and folders.

"That's all you need. And tomorrow make sure you don't kill or hurt anyone on purpose." Brock begged. I nodded and smirked.

"No promises." I shrugged with a smile. Delirious bursted out laughing.

"That's my assasin!" He yelled. I laughed with everyone and Brock glared.

"Hey n/n can i teach you something important that might help with your heist?" I heard ohm ask. I turned around and nodded. He smiled and walked to the gym.

"So you know everything. Knives, guns, combat. Stealth, and more. But one thing that is important is speed." Ohm explained I nodded. He threw a knife in the air and I caught it without looking.

"Now throw that as far as you can." He ordered. I raised an eyebrow but shurgged off the confusion and threw it. Ohm dashed to the other side and caught it. He was so fast! Like a bunny!

"Wow!" I exclaimed. Ohm chuckled and dashed back.

"Your already really fast so it will be easy. Now start with suicides and then sprints." He ordered. I sighed and did as told. Some of them he joined in on. It was fun and I could control my breathing well.

"Ok so that's the basics now use the walls anything to push off of." He suggested. I ran to a wall and pushed off it I felt the wind make my eyes dry as the speed increased.

"Also keep lower to the ground." He added. I did and it worked. I learn everyday and I just hope I can trust ohm and cartoonz.

Time skip:

"I think you might be faster than me." Ohm admitted. I chuckled and sat down next to him. It was late and I needed to shower.

"I have school tomorrow so night. " I said blankly and went for the exit. I reached for the door handle and Ohm appeared right in front if me. I let out a surprised inhale and glared.

"What?" I snapped. Ohm looked away and back at me.

"I just wanted to say good work and in sorry for Cartoonz and I attacking you."

"Its fine. After all I need thicker skin."

Queen BBS (for girl reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora