Chapter 26

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Y/n pov:

Today was the day. Homecoming. Bf/n was coming over in an hour to get ready. I am so nervous. What if Max bails? Or he does something stupid? I'm a mess.

"Hey what's the nervous look for?" Craig asked. I shurgged and adjusted my body so my hand wasn't facing anyone.

"I'm nervous for homecoming. " I explained. Craig chuckled and put an arm around me.

"You'll do great, our little sister, assasin, is going to a homecoming. Never thought of the day." Criag admitted. I giggled and looked at my watch.

"Bf/n should be here." I murmured. I ran back to my room and grabbed a pocket knife and went outside.

It was cool but still the perfect weather. The leaves wrestled around the pavement. There color giving the world a few veiw. It was truly beautiful.

"Let go!" I heard a yell. It was bf/n yell. I sprinted down the street and saw bf/n in the arms of a random man. He wasn't paying attention to me. I pulled out my knife and jumped on his back and put my knife to his neck.

"Let her go or I'll kill you right here and now." I threatened. He let go and bf/n rushed away from him and looked at me. I felt a pull and realized the man was trying to get me off his back.

"Call the cops bf/n now!" I shouted and held on tighter so I wouldn't fly off. He slammed me on my back and I felt blood fill my mouth. I gasped at the pains and my knife flew from my hand. He had one hand on my throat and the other keeping me in place. I wiggled around and growled. Bf/n was no where in sight. I got my leg up and kicked him in the face and coughed for air.

"There on their way!" Bf/n shouted. She was a good distance away,shaking in fear.

"Who are you?" I asked. The man rolled his shoulders getting prepared for a fight.

"I'm your father's friend." He answered. Of course he is.

"Get the hell away from me and my friend." I snapped. The man shook his head and pointed at me.

"You haven't gotten your punishment yet." He smirked. I growled and lunged at him. My knife grazed his arm as he dodged it slowly. His feet pounded the ground as he sped at me, balling his hand into a fist, and pulling it back ready to attack.

I ducked until the punch and swung my leg out so his feet came out from under him. He fell him a hard thud and I jumped to my feet and kicked his side multiple times. He rolled away and got back up. I went for an uppercut and but he twisted my arm around and pushed up. If I moved he would brake my arm. I kicked behind me and hit his private, he let go and his hands dove to cover his no no spot. I giggled and ran at him and smashed his head into my knee.

"Just leave me the fuck alone!" I screamed and grabbed the collar of his shirt, shaking him violently. Blood poured from his nose and his eye was swollen. I grabbed my knife from the ground and punched the man in the face so many times my knuckles started to bleed. Bf/n was crying by now and I heard other shouts. I turned and saw my brothers and many police cars coming my way. I hid my knife and backed away from him.

I couldn't help it. Tears poured down my face and I sank to the ground, trembling from loss of breathe and how much my body hurt. My knuckles were bruised and bleeding, my mouth had blood in it, my arms were covered in scratches and my cheek was bruised blue and purple.

"Y/n!" Delirious yelled. I looked up and saw Delirious sprinting my way. I got up and ran to him, clutching him like a teddy bear and sobbing. He petted my hair and shushed me softly.

"I wanted to kill him so badly but bf/n was here." I whispered. Delirious chuckled and rubbed my back.

"My fabulous assasin. I'm proud of you." He smiled at me. When my dad said this I got shivers down my spine and felt the need to vomit, but when Delirious says it I feel safe and it makes my confidence boost up.

"I should get ready for homecoming." I said and pulled away. I walked over to bf/n and gave her a shy smile. She smiled bright and had tears in her eyes.

"You almost got killed because of me! That fighting was incredible! Thank you for saving me y/n!" She beamed and hugged me. I hugged back and chuckled.

"You're gonna have to cover my bruises with makeup." I joked. Bf/n examined my face and nodded.

"Easy." She scoffed and took my hand. The police eyed me and the police already asked bf/n what happened. I watched as they picked up my dad's friend and put him in a car and they drove away. It was jail time for him. We entered the house and all of the gang patted my back and Brock made me take a seat so he could examine my injuries.

"He did a number but not too much." Brock mumbled and put ointment on my knuckles. He gave me an ice pack for my bruises and waved me away. Bf/n and I went back to my room and we started to get ready.

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