Chapter 31

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Y/n pov:

I saw 10 men in all black come out of the van. I didnt take any time to zip my bag up and threw it on my back and make my way to Brian and Delirious.

"Y/n l/n." One guy barked. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the coffee bar. Brian and Delirious looked at me then at the guys. I turned around sharply and glared at them. They marched towards me as I took steps back. My back pressed up agaist something and I turned around fast and saw Delirious looking straight ahead with the biggest death glare I've ever seen him do.

The 10 men did signals with their fingers and they put on brass knuckles. I swallowed hard and pulled out my knife. I wasn't fighting for my life. I was fighting to keep Delirious and Brian safe and unharmed.

"We just want the girl. " they growled. I looked at Delirious and he looked back at me.

"We fight remember your training. And y/n you have my permission to kill them." Delirious said nodded at me. I flicked my knife open and got ready. All the men charged. 2 guys came to me and 4 went to Brian, and the other 4 went to Delirious. They weren't really fighting.

I swung my knife and put across someone's chest. They took a step back and I looked at the other one. He had his leg outstretched and he kicked my hand. The knife went flying and I growled. Their starting to piss me off. I threw punches at his face and whole body. I did a quick left hook and felt the impact of my blow break his nose. Blood poured out and small splatters got on my clothes.

I stormed to him and smashed his head into my knee and grabbed his hair. He kicked my legs making me fall and he leaned over me. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head and used his body to keep me down. I struggled and spit in his face. He didnt flinch. I lifted my knee up quickly so I hit his private. He doubled over and I scrambled to my feet.

I felt a fist connect with my cheek. My head snapped the other direction but I recoiled fast and jumped in the air and did a round house kick into the guys chest. He fell on his back and got back up. He threw punches which I dogded with my forearms and I also dogded his kicks. I grabbed his arm and run under his arm and twisted it behind his back and pulled up fast. A satisfying pop came from his arm and he yelled in agony.

I turned to see the 4 men over taking Delirious and Brian. It was 4 against 1. Both Delirious and Brian killed 1 guy and were now fighting the other ones.

I heard running footsteps and I turned around to meet a blow to my lip. I stumbled back and spit out blood.

"Mother fucker." I snarled and ran at him. I kicked his side and then his knee so he was on his knee. I dig my nail into his eyes and scraped them down to his mouth and did an uppercut. Grabbing his hair a laugh came from my lips. I grabbed his neck and snapped it. His lifeless body fell on the floor. I was panting from the fighting. I sighed and closed my eyes, taking a moment to calm myself down.

Arms wrapped around my waist, locking my arms in with it and they picked me up with no effort and started to walk to the exit. Panic rose in me. I started to frantically wiggle. I dropped my bag at the beginning so I didn't have anything. I bent over as much as possible and dropped like a dead body. The man slouched down to keep a good grip of me. I used off my leg muscles to jump back up and hit him in the nose with my head. He let go and held his nose. The same guy from the beginning.

I peered out and saw a lot more men coming, around 5 more men came out. How do they fit that many in a van? I dashed to a pillar in the mall and run up it a little and did a 180 turn and kicked him in the face. He dropped to the floor and slowly got back up. I ran up and stomped on his head. It caved in so he was knocked out. I kept stomping. The more I beat my foot into the guys head the more angry I felt. I let out a yell and stomped one for time. The blood was stained with red and his head was split and you could see his unmoving brain.

I ran over to help Delirious and Brian but a tight on my hood stopped me. Someone knocked me down to the floor and started to drag me away by the hood. I clawed at the hand and he let go. I scramble to my feet and saw those 5 guys all surround me. I fought against their hands up soon took hold of my wrists and arms. I used my feet to push back.

"Delirious!! Brian!!" I screamed. Both stopped fighting and turned to me.

"NO!!" They screamed and ran for me. Tears got in my eyes and I blinded rapidly to get my vision clear. I kept struggling. But they soon grabbed my waist and dragged me away. I held on to anything that would prevent me from leaving. The guys Delirious and Brian were fighting were trying their best to hold them back. I kicked, punched, and screamed.

I wasn't going down like this. I wasn't really getting kidnapped? Please let this be a dream. I saw the van in veiw. They all got in and I twisted and turned hard. Their grip came free and I sprinted for my brothers. I let out a scream as a hand grabbed my ankle and dragged me towards the van. I reached my hand out for them and they did too. Arms wrapped around my arms and pulled me into the black van.

The last thing I saw and remember was the van door shutting, seeing Delirious and Brian fight to get here in time and the smell of a really strong alcohol being put to my mouth with a rag.

Queen BBS (for girl reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora