Chapter 9

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Y/n pov:

"Oof..." I groaned as I fell on the floor for the millionth time. Marcel laughed and helped me back up.

"I dont know Marcel. I dont think I'm the type of lady for a dress. I'm more of a shirt and jeans kind of girl. Casual not fancy." I sighed. Marcel nodded.

"I know this isn't your strong suit. But your gonna have to learn like you learn how to kill. You have knives on your dress. That's your type." Marcel shrugged.

"Now do it again and act sexy." He suggested. I glared and walked back over to the wall and strutted towards Marcel trying to act sexy.

"That was better. Now if you want to make it look better look your target up and down and bite your lip or smirk. Do whatever." Marcel suggested.

"Where do you learn all this?" I asked. Marcel smiled innocently.

"Movies and time." He answered. I brushed off his comment and tried again. It felt like walking on sticks.

I tried again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.





"Perfect! I think you got it down!" Marcel beamed. I threw my arms in the air and cheered.

"Finally! Holy shit that took forever!" I sighed with relief. Marcel laughed and gave me a high five.

"So we got the walk, weapons, makeup, words, voice, and actions down!" Marcel said counting with his fingers. I nodded and smiled.

"So now we need Delirious to help you train with a dress on. And with heels." Marcel winked. I sighed and went with Marcel to the gym or training room.

"Look at the beautiful new badass lady!!" Marcel yelled. All heads turned and people cheered.

"Delirious I need to learn how to fight in a dress." I complained. He laughed like a maniac and nodded.

"You got this. It's like having an annoying weight on your feet and a tighter shirt on that is weild at the end." Delirious explained. I nodded and kicked my leg out, watching the dress rise and fall.

"So we will do hand to hand combat and then with knives and guns. Just in the dress?" I asked trying to get an idea in my mind. Delirirous nodded and held up his fists. I did too and the training begins.

Time skip:

"Great work. That was very impressive for a girl in a dress." Vanoss chuckled. He got bored and joined in on the training. Vanoss and Delirious are cute together. I know they are dating and they are perfect for each other.

"So they heist is tomorrow right?" I asked. Vanoss nobbed and gave me a sly smile.

"Nervous?" He asked. I nodded and wiped my sweaty hands on the dress. Probably not a good idea but I dont care.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked. Vanoss chuckled and walked ahead leaving me alone. I was beyond nervous. I feel like something bad was going to happen. I dont know why I felt that way? The past was coming to faunt my future. Maybe not? I just know that tyler will protect me. Hopefully.

"Hey n/n!" Tyler called. I ran up to him and smiled.

"During the heist we have ear pieces. Marcel attached yours to your earing. Left earing. And call us by our code names." He commanded. I nodded and he hesitated.

"I'm impressed kid. Good work." He gave a half smile. I beamed and went back into the distraction room. I took off the dress and makeup. I hated makeup. It felt weird and smelled weird. A night of not me won't hurt. I get to go on a mission and I was very excited.

Brock made supper and we all ate at the table discussing the upcoming heist. We would fo it tomorrow and go to a party. The guys said I looked old enough. I would flirt with a guy take him into a room and kill him. That was our main objective. And if I didnt want to do it then Tyler would. The rest of us had to take out the body guards and make sure no one noticed.

"I'm excited!" I squealed and put my plate in the sink.

"Are you sure you want to kill a guy. Your only 13?" Nogla asked. I smiled an innocent smile.

"I'm so ready. I'm 13 but my mind isn't 13." I said and walked down the hall to Delirious's room leaving the gang in shock but proud.

It was late at night so we would go to bed early. The party started at 8:00 at night ended at 5:30 in the morning. Long party and enough time to act normal. I closed my eyes and prayed that nothing bad would happen.

Next morning:

I woke up and smiled. I am so excited! I got up and got dressed.

I put my hair up into two Dutch braids

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I put my hair up into two Dutch braids. I walked out and saw Brock in the kitchen.

"Good morning!" I greeted. Brock smiled at me and smiled at my outfit.

"How did you sleep?" He asked. He was very caring. Like a mom. He was the mom in the gang. I didnt have a mom.

"Fine. So what are we doing today besides the heist?" I asked. Brock walked over to the calendar and checked the date.

"I bet someone will want to do something and didnt write it in the calendar. Asked the boys. They are in the gaming room. Upstairs." Brock ordered and pointed to the upstairs. Even though I have been in this house I didnt explore all the rooms. Didnt want to either.

I walked to a dor that had gaming room carved into the door. I opened it and saw everyone in a gaming chair at their own tv playing a game.

"Hey." I greeted and went over to Delirirous and peered at his screen. Gta. Weird game as it looks but it looks fun too.

"Hey we all decided to go to an outdoor pool." Lui called and turned off his PC. I smiled and ran to Delirious's room and grabbed my swim suit and towel. It was warn now so we could go outside and swim. I knew how to swim a little but not a lot.

Time skup:

We got to the pool and I went my separate way to go change. I was nervous. I put my swim suit on.

I looked in the mirror and frowned

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I looked in the mirror and frowned.

Queen BBS (for girl reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن