Chapter 40

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Y/n pov:

I stepped into the shower and let all the dirt, sweat, blood, and gunpowder wash off me. The past week for torture really. I let them water hit my back and I felt sleepy. I turned off the water and stepped out, wrapped my hair in a towel, and my body, and then going to to my room. I changed into athletic ahirts, a white fluffy inside sweatshirt, and fluffy grey socks. I flopped on my bed and smiled at how comfortable it is.

I reached for my phone and read through all the missed messages.

From bf/n :


Bf/n- Hey you weren't at school a re e you okay?

Bf/n- Y/n why a re ent you responding?

Bf/n- I'm getting worried here, please answer.

Bf/n - I went to your house and when I got there asking where you were your brothers frowned shook their heads and closed the door.

Bf/n- Y/n if your okay then respond.

I smiled at her worry and texted back a paragraph.

Y/n- Hey bf/n it's me. Sorry I never saw your texts ove been a little stress out and I'll explain everything if you come over after your school day.

I knew bf/n wouldn't be able to see her phone, she was in biology. I next looked at Max's.

From max:

Max- hey y/n Thank you for last night it was a lot of fun!

Max- y/n?

Max- your not at school anymore did I do something wrong?

Max- I'm sorry for whatever I did please come back, I want to talk to you again.

Max- are you okay y/n?

Max- your worrying me please respond.

Max- I love you.

I felt tears like to my eyes as I read the last message. I didnt know what to say.

Y/n- Hey max it's me. I'm sorry that I didnt respond I've been tied up recently. You didnt do anything wrong, thank you for the ednsce ir was a blast for me. I'm fine now. And also I um... I love you too.

I threw my phone on my hand covered my f aw very in my hands. I'm so stupid for saying that.

I got up and went to the medic room. Brock was hovered over an object.

"Whacha building? I asked. He smiled at me.

"Its a custom cast. This one will be black with a different material that can get wet, so marcel built in a knife holder." He informed but his tone was sarcastic at the end.

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