Chapter 19

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Y/n pov:

I smiled at my curious friend.

"Daniel Green." I answered with a smirk. Bf/n face turned red and she shook her head.

"We're just friends that's all." She objected. I smirked and shook my head.

"I can convince him to ask you to home coming." I suggested. Bf/n shook her head rapidly but stopped and slowly started to nod.

"Im not going to home coming unless you go." She objected again. I sighed and growled a frustrated growl.

"Fine but I'm not going with anyone. " I sighed. Bf/n smirked and shook her head.

"You will, I'll convince max to ask you to home coming." She laughed. I felt my face heat up at the thought but I snapped out of it quickly.

"Absolutely not, I mean it. Dont." I grolwed. She held her hands up in defense and laughed. I laughed along and gave her a playful glare.

I wanted max to ask me but my fellow brothers wouldn't like that. I couldn't. I have a life full of crime and I dont need any distraction.

Time skip:

"Bye bf/n!" I shouted.

"Bye y/n!" She shouted back as she got in her moms car and I watched them drive away.

I closed the door and saw people getting suited up.

"What's this for?" I asked. Marcel handed me an outfit.

"We are doing a robbery

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"We are doing a robbery. We trust in with all our hearts but this gas station is loaded. We need some one to distract the cashier cause there is guns and the one guy who works there is a little older than you." Marcel explained. I groaned and nodded.

Marcel curled my hair and did my makeup and that stuff. I put in my earrings that had the ear piece in it. I had my knives on me and we pulled in the van.

Time skip:

"You know what do do." Vanoss said. I nodded and walked in. I saw a boy a few years older than me. I walked towards him, our eyes meeting. I flipped my hair behind my shoulder and smirked while giggling. I walked up to the counter and leaned in so I was close to him.

"Hey baby." He chuckled. I scoffed lightly put my finger on his lips.

"Your cute, I wonder how hot you can be?" I asked. He bit his lips and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"You want me to show you?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed his button up shirt.

"I'd love that." I flirted. I kissed his lips and pulled away.

"How about after break? I have work so maybe on my break?" He asked. I looked at the guys, they were acting like customers.

"No one is at the checkout, I say now or I'm gone." I snapped. The cashier came around and put his arm around my waist and held me close.

"Let go then." He smirked. I took a gulp and nodded. He led me to the back and closed the door, locking it. With fast movement he pushed me agaist the wall and kissed me hard.

(Btw I won't do smuts ever but kissing scenes)

I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Now." I said, signaling them to start, "I think your hot." I finished so he didnt caught on. He bit the bottom of my lip which made me gasp and his tongue explored my mouth. I wanted to vomit again.

I pulled away and pushed him into the wall and giggled. I put my hands on his chest and moved them down to his waist. I looked down and saw him hard.

"Aww that's cute." I smiled and moved my hands back up and started to kiss his neck. He moan quietly. This was gross, very gross.

He pushed me away and grabbed my waist and moved them down to my butt. He spun me around so I was agaist the wall. He kissed my neck and moved down to my breast. He took one hand off my butt and grabbed my boob. I felt disgusted. He stopped and looked into my eyes. I leaned in so our forehead were touching and I smiled at him.

"I should get back to work." He said glancing at the door. He gave me a kiss on the lips and went for the door. I dashed in front of him, like what ohm did and grabbed his shirt.

"Not so fast darling. I'm not done yet." I giggled. I saw a chair and pushed him on it. He looked surprised. I sat on his lap and kissed him more. I shouldn't be doing this but I can hear that they need more time.

I started to do a lap dance. Moving my hips around and acting like a stripper. He put his hands on my hips and brought me too close to him. There was no space. Literally my boobs were in his face. He traveled his hands up and kissed my breasts. I grabbed his hair playing with it and waited for him to quit.

"We're done here. Carve BBS into his arm and leave." Tyler said in his ear piece. I smirked and pulled away little. I gripped his hair and smashed his face into my knee. He fell on the floor, bloody nose, and painful groans. I pulled out my knife and grabbed his arm. I stepped on his chest and kept him in place. He screamed in agony as I carved the words in his arm.

Yes I know, its brutal and rude but it's my job. I dont feel guilty at all.

"Hope you remember me darling." I smirked and kissed his lips and left the room. I saw 407 at the door.

"We were waiting, nice work n/n!" He complimented. I smiled and ran to the van and got in.

"He was gross." I commented. Delirious chuckled and patted my head.

"So we got about 6 thousand bucks out of that." David stated. That's what I'm talking about.

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