Chapter 33

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Lui pov:

The guy looked at us three. I cocked my head and did a little wave with my fingers.

"What do you look like?" I asked and took off his mask. He looked normal to me. He had scars on his face and a tough looking facial hair.

"What do you want?" He asked. I chuckled and put a hand on his shoudler.

"My amigo! Your going to tell us where our sister is." I answered. He gave me a look and shook his head.

"I have no idea what your talking about." He lied. I sighed and cracked my knuckles.

"Listen dipshit. I can be your friend or your enemy. I am am the boss of these two large fellas. So whatever I say they do. For example, I can tell them to not hurt you. Do you want that?" I asked. The guy nodded his head frantically.

"Much better. How about a name, ranger rich? Bob? No let me guess Mat?" I joked. The guy shifted in his seat and toon a gulp.

"Chris." He answered. I clapped my hands and smirked.

"So,let's be adults. I know you have information about y/n. Tell me where she is." I ordered. Chris looked at Tyler and David then back at me.

"I dont know who your talking about." He lied again. I let out a groan and then a chuckle.

"Wrong answer bucko. Wildcat, would you like to do the honors?" I asked. Tyler chucked and cracked his knuckles.

Tyler punched the guy right in the nose and then the gut. Blood was already pouring down his lips and onto his clothes.

"The girl, where is she. And dont lie. That's a little sprinter compared to what we can do. Me boyfriend over there is very dangerous. Dont make me tell him to do stuff." I spoke in a way that made it seem funny to myself.

"Listen all I can say is that she is in our base. Our orders were to get her to the base alive and unharmed." He said. He wasn't giving me the answers I want. Hes wasting precious time. Y/n is in danger, she could be kill, or anything else. Anger took over and I clenched my fists and kicked his chest so he flew back agaist the wall. I got in his face and jabbed my finger into his chest.

"I'm not messing around. Your testing my patience. Chris I can make your life safe or I can make it a living hell. Its up to you." I tried to convince him. He stayed silent which I didnt like. I nodded to David and he grabbed a taser from his pocket and held it to his chest and zapped him. He let out a yell and breathed heavily.

"I want a location. Tell me where your base is and which room your putting her in." I demanded. I grabbed his chin and glared into his eyes. He didnt see my face because of the masks.

"I cant do that they will kill me." He defended himself. I snapped my fingers and Tyler came up with a knife.

"Finger?" He asked. I nodded and crossed my arms. Tyler came over and grabbed the man's pinky finger and raised his knife and smashed it down. Chris screamed in agony and belt over, his sobbing filling the room.

"Location please?" I asked, adding a hint of annoyance in my voice. He sobbed more and I shook my head. I grabbed my knife and grabbed his hair and made a cut on his cheek.

"Please stop, I cant help you!" He shouted. I stayed silent and cut down his forehead and stopped at the eye and then continued down his cheek and stopped at his jaw line.

"I dont care. I know you have the loctaion. We'll let you go if you give us the location. Tell me where she is now." I snapped. Chris flinched and breathed unevenly.

"Its north of here." He answered. I'm starting to get annoyed of these half answers.

"David take control. I'm going to see what Mini knows." I answered. I walked out of the room with Tyler following. I took off the mask and walked upstairs.

"Anything?" Evan asked. I shurgged.

"He said they have her at the base. North of here. He wont give an honest location. I'm working on it." I said. They were crowding Craig and I looked over his shoulder.

"What do you got?" I asked. Craig looked at me and frowned.

"The place is at the edge of town. But the this is there base is highly secured. I cant find the loctaion and the trackers have no signal. She isn't showing up." He sighed. Criag would always find out a loctaion so seeing him not be able to makes me feel bad. I stiffened a laugh.

"Any family from the pinky?" I asked. Criag typed some stuff and then turned his computer.

"A wife and daughter. Daughter is 6 years old, wife 31 years old." He informed.

"I'll get a location. " I smirked and put on my mask and stormed to the place Chris was being held at.

I entered and saw Tyler punch Chris across the face. Blood was all over the floor and walls, chris had a swollen eye, cut lip, bruised face, broken arm, and this whole body beaten up. I patted Tyler on the back.

"Nice work Wildcat. We do need him conscious you know?" I joked. Tyler nodded and chuckled. I tapped the side of Chris's face and he looked up.

"Hi buddy, listen I need a loctaion now. Or I'll have to hurt you more." I threatened. Chris panicked and struggled agaist the ropes. I waited for him to finish and he glared at me.

"Make me." The sudden boost of confidence made me suspicious. I looked on his ear and laughed.

"Welp, that's clever. Noglal I want you to take something to Mini." I said. I slapped chris in the face and as I took my hand back I slipped the ear piece around my finger. I had the hands of a thief. Delirious taught me the ways of it. He won't realize the thing gone. I backed up so my back touch David. I looked up and moved my mask up to my lips. He did the same and we kissed for a second. I placed the ear piece in his hand and he closed his hand.

"I'll be right back love." He smiled and left. The kiss was to distract Chris into thinking we were just kissing. I used it to deliver the ear piece to him.

"Location Chris or I'll have to find your family which is very possible." I sighed. Chris shook his head up and shook his head.

"Leave them out of this!" He yelled.

"Now we are getting somewhere. "

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