Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight


"So, you said you know Sarah?" Misoki asked as she lay on her side, letting Droma's fire warm her belly.

The giant pulled down his hood, letting the firelight dance on his smooth, shaven head, and nodded.

"We met several weeks ago," he said. "The two of them were lost, and Porter had been captured by goblins. I volunteered to act as their guide on the way to Jellaska Kob Lertan."

The young werewolf yawned and shook her head to keep her from falling asleep. "You weren't with them when they got here."

"No, I was not. I left them at the Historians' Tower just before the Slayers attacked it. There was something I had to do."

Yeah, something like not getting killed by the Slayers, Misoki thought, her lip curling up to show her sharp teeth.

Reading her expression, Droma frowned. "I had to retrieve something. Something that I intend to give them once I find them."

"What?" Misoki asked.

Droma hesitated. "Something very important," he finally answered. "The sooner I get it to them, the better."

As he spoke, Misoki noticed how his hand subconsciously went to cover a certain part of his cloak.

Whatever it is, he's got it in a hidden pocket of his cape, Misoki thought. Droma didn't trust her enough to say what it was, which only made her want to know what it was even more.

"So, how did they find the Sanctuary if you weren't there to show them the way?"

"I did not leave them completely alone," the giant replied. "They had Flicker to guide them in my stead."

"Flicker? Was that the kid with the tail?"

Droma shook his head and added another log to the fire, making a shower of sparks fly out of it. "No, the chimera is Tick. Flicker is the living sword Porter carries."

At this, Misoki couldn't help but scoff. When Droma gave her a sharp look, she said, "Oh, come on. You're pulling my leg."

"I am not," Droma said, drawing himself up with pride. "Flicker is a sword made of living Kalion metal, one of the few in existence."

"But... it's a sword."

"And yet it is alive," Droma insisted. "Even though it does not have flesh or blood, it is just as sentient as you or I."

Misoki took a few seconds to wrap her head around it. "So, it has a soul, then?"

Droma paused, and then raised his hand to his chin. "I have never thought about it that way, to be honest. Yes, I suppose that if Flicker is alive it must have a soul. How interesting. In forging a weapon, I somehow created a soul for it as well."

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