Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


"Here is where you will be staying," Brother Koob said as he unlocked the door and waved Porter and Tick through. Inside, there was a dresser with a mirror mounted on top, another door that led to a modern looking bathroom, and...

"Beds!" Tick exclaimed, pushing past Porter to run in and jump on one. There were two beds, with soft, fluffy mattresses and thick blankets. "Oh man, I haven't slept in a bed in so long!"

Porter walked inside, surveying the room, and then turned back to Brother Koob. "It's perfect. Thanks."

"You are very welcome," Koob replied with a formal bow that went so low his nose almost touched the floor. "Dinner is served at six o'clock sharp, and Father Lucius likes his guests to dine with him. There is a shower and towels in the bathroom, and clean clothes in the dresser. If you need anything else, pull this cord and someone will be along to assist you."

Then, before Porter or Tick could say anything else, the tiny historian closed the door.

"Clean clothes?" Porter wondered, heading for the dresser. He pulled open one of the drawers, revealing a wide assortment of pants and shirts. "No way," he said, pulling one out. "It's even the right size. How in the world did they..."

His voice trailed off as he glanced down at the clothes he was wearing. His shirt was stained with muck from sleeping on the ground so often, and half his right pant leg was burned off from... whatever had happened before he'd woken up. Without wasting another minute, he grabbed a new shirt as well and ran into the bathroom.

"Man, that feels so much better," he murmured in appreciation a few minutes later when he came back out, showered and dressed in his new clothes. "I hope they let us keep these. You wanna wash up too, Tick?"

He glanced over and saw that Tick had stopped bouncing on his bed, and had instead begun using it for its intended purpose. The little kid had bundled all the blankets into a tight ball around himself, and his face was barely visible in the cushy pillow.

Looking at him, Porter found himself yawning. "Actually, that sounds like a really good idea, too."

He went to the other bed, which was right next to the window. Through it, he had a great view of the Fairies' Field thousands of feet below him. He sat down on the bed, his tired legs grateful for the rest, and kicked his shoes off.

"Dinner's not till six," he muttered to himself, lying down on the bed. It was so soft. Way softer than the dirt he'd slept on the past few nights. "Plenty of time for a nap."

He closed his eyes, and was asleep before he drew his next breath.


"Let's begin our tour with one of the Looking Glass Rooms," Father Lucius suggested, leading Sarah down the hall, away from her friends. Droma, apparently familiar with the tower's layout already, went off on his own with a dramatic sweep of his cloak. The dwarf took her back down the way she'd come from, up a new set of stairs, and into another hallway four floors up. At the end of this hallway was a large door, above which a sign hung that said "Looking Glass Room 74."

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