Chapter Eighteen- Cutting Things Close

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After Clara closed the door in Doc's face. He went to the saloon, he stayed there for the rest of the night, leaving Y/n and Marty asleep at the campsite.

Morning came and a rooster woke up Marty, he turned to his side to see the love of his life, Y/n asleep beside him. Over the course of the night somehow she had managed to lose the blanket that was on top of her, she shivered in her sleep.

Marty looked at her and put the blanket over her to keep her warm, he then kissed her on the forehead, and she opened her eyes. "Oh sorry, beautiful," Marty said. "No, it's okay, it's morning and we should get ready to go home," she said, smiling.

They stood up and looked at the campsite, Doc was nowhere to be seen. "Oh, no," they both said. Marty took out the picture of the tombstone and it was still there, "We gotta find him, future boy," she said. They each went on a horse and rode into town to find him.

"And in the future, we don't need horses. We have motorized carriages called automoblies." Doc said holding a full shot of whiskey. The other men in the saloon were laughing at him. "If everybody's got one of these auto-whatsits, does anybody walk or run anymore?" a man asked Doc. "Of course we run, but for recreation, for fun," Doc responded.

"Run for fun? What the hell kind of fun is that?" the man asked.

Marty and Y/n rode as fast as they possibly could, towards town. "Man, I've never ridden a horse like this in my life, maybe under different circumstances, this would be fun," she told Marty. Marty laughed and said, "I know how you feel,"

They rode up to Doc's shed and quickly got off their horses. Y/n opened the shed door, Marty and her both yelling, "Doc!" "Uncle Doc!"

"He's not here, Marty. Where could he be?!" Y/n said, trying her best to keep it together. "The saloon.." Marty trailed off, he grabbed Y/n's hand and they both ran to the saloon.

"How much has he had?" a man asked the bartender. "None. That's the first one. He hasn't touched it yet." the bartender replied. Marty and Y/n ran up to the window and saw Doc. "There he is!" Y/n exclaimed running through the door, Marty followed her.

"Uncle Doc! Uncle Doc!" Y/n said out of breath. "What are you doin'?" Marty asked also out of breath. "I've lost her Marty. Y/n there's nothing left for me here." Doc said to the teenagers.

"Alright that's why you gotta come back with us." Marty said annoyed. "Where?" Doc asked. Y/n rolled her eyes, 'this can't be happening' she thought.

"Back to the future!" Marty and Y/n yelled at the same time. Doc internalized what they had just said and nodded, "Right. Let's get going. Gentlemen, excuse me, but my niece, her husband, and I have train to catch." Doc said.

"Here's to ya blacksmith!" a man said holding up a drink. "And to the future," another man said. "Amen!" Doc said, "Uncle Doc! No!" Y/n said, as her Uncle took a drink of the whiskey.

She knew that he could never handle his alcohol he was too much of a lightweight. Doc swallowed the drink and then blacked out falling on a table.

"Doc! Doc!" Marty said as he and Y/n knelt down to roll him over. "Come on, Doc, wake up." Marty said, "Wake up, Uncle Doc!" Y/n said after Marty.

"How many did he have?" Marty asked the bartender. "Just the one." he replied. "Just the one?" Marty asked, confused. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. He's never been able to drink! My mother told me that before she died." Y/n said trying to wake up her Uncle. "Come on, Doc!" Marty said, hitting his face.

"There's a fella that can't hold his liquor." the bartender said. Y/n internally rolled her eyes. "Get me some coffee, black!" Y/n said sternly to the bartender. "Joey! Coffee!" the bartender yelled.

Then the clock tower rang. Marty and Y/n both looked at eachother and gulped.

"You want to sober him up in a hurry, folks you're gonna have to use something stronger than coffee." the bartender told Y/n and Marty. "Yeah? What do you suggest?" said an annoyed Marty. "Joey! Let's make some wake-up juice." the bartender said getting off the floor.

"Come on Uncle Doc, swallow." Y/n said trying desperately to make her Uncle drink the coffee. "In about 10 minutes, he's gonna be as sober as a priest on Sunday." the bartender said while him and Joey were making the wake-up juice.

"Ten minutes?" Marty and Y/n said together. "Why do we have to cut these things so damm close?" Y/n said rolling her eyes. "Here. Stick this clothespin on his nose." the bartender said handing Marty a clothespin. Marty put it on Doc's nose.

"And when her opens up his mouth, go ahead and pour it on down his gullet. Oh and stand back." the bartender said to Y/n and Marty. Marty poured the wake-up juice down Doc's throat. Doc then opened his eyes and stood up, knocking Marty and Y/n to the floor.

He ran oustide and dunked his head in a bucket of water. Y/n and Marty stood up and ran outside. They picked up Doc from the bucket, "He's still out!" Y/n exclaimed, angry.

"Oh, that? That was just a reflex action. Its gonna take a few more minutes for the stuff to really clear his head." the bartender explained and Y/n and Marty, dragged Doc away from the bucket of water. "Perfect," Marty said, rolling his eyes.

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