Chapter Five- The McFly Farm

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Y/n and Marty got into the Delorean, Marty handed Y/n his boots and hat, she put them on her lap. Marty closed the car door and turned on the engine. Marty backed up to the wall off the old drive-in.

"Happy trails, Marty and Y/n!" Doc yelled. The couple smiled, Marty looked at Y/n and said, "You ready, beautiful?" he asked. "You bet your sweet ass, future boy," she replied, putting the car into drive.

"Ready...Set... Go!" Doc exclaimed shooting a gun into the air. Y/n and Marty grabbed each other's hands tightly, as Marty stepped on the gas. "Hi-Yo, Silver," he mumbled.

The time machine hit 88 mph and sent Y/n and Marty into 1885. After being transported to 1885, a group of Indian's were riding straight towards them, "You were saying!" Marty exclaimed to Y/n.

"How was I supposed to know there were going to be Indians!" she replied quickly. Marty stopped the car, and put it in reverse, now driving backward. He then swerved out of the way, now driving away from the Indians. Marty drove to what looked like a cliff, Y/n and Marty screamed. "The cave!" Marty said.

Marty drove over it back into the cave. They both got out of the Delorean and Marty went around to where Y/n was. "You okay?" he said wiping some of the hair from her face. "Yes, I'm fine. How are you?" she said smiling. "Good, good," Marty said, out of breath.

They walked out of the cave and looked at the open space, "It's beautiful," Y/n said holding Marty's hand.

"Yeah, it is," he said, but looking at Y/n instead of the view. Y/n looked up to see him looking at her, "I meant the vie- Do you feel that?" Y/n asked hearing and feeling loud rumbling. They turned around and saw a group of men on horses, one of them was sounding a bugle and another one was yelling, "Charge!"

They both yelled at the same time, "Shit!" "The Cavalry!". They jumped into the cave as the cavalry almost ran them over. "Oh my god!" Y/n said out of breath. Marty was looking at the Delorean and pulled an arrow off, rolling his eyes.

Y/n grabbed Marty's jean jacket and Doc's gravestone photo, and held on to it, not wanting to leave it in the car. Marty grabbed his boots and started to grab his hat when he heard a weird sound.

"Y/n what is that?" he asked. Y/n heard it too and shrugged. She then smelled the air and asked, "Do you smell gas?" Marty smelled the air and then nodded, he looked down at the bottom of the car, "Damm. I ripped the fuel line." he said rolling his eyes. He got up and almost bumped into Y/n, who was now right behind him, "What is it?" he said looking into her worried e/c eyes.

"Bear.." Y/n trailed off. Marty grabbed her hand and they ran out of the cave, screaming. While doing so Marty dropped his boots. They ran straight ahead and then fell down a hill, both hitting their heads on a wooden fence, breaking hit.

"Maggie! Fetch some water. We got a hurt man and women here." a man said in thick Irish accient.

Marty slowly woke up on a bed in a dark room. "Y/n!" he said, he turned his head and saw her unconicous, next to him. He was confused to say the least. He saw someone in the corner of the room, thinking it was his mom her said, "Mom, mom. Is that you?"

"There, there, now. You've been asleep for nearly six hours now." a women said with a thick Irish accient.

"I had this horrible nightmare. I dreamed me and Y/n were in a western. We were being chased by all these Indians and a bear..." he trailed off, still half asleep.

"Well, you're safe and sound here now at the McFly farm." the woman said.

Marty sat up, "McFly farm!" Marty said sitting up, Y/n still unconious next to him.

"Well, you're my-you're my-my-who are you?" Marty said, confused. "The name's McFly. Maggie McFly." the woman said.

Y/n heard voices and she slowly got up, "Marty?" she mumbeled. She rubbed the back of her head. "McFly? Maggie?" Y/n heard Marty say. She looked at the woman across from her and Marty, 'is it werid that she looks like Lorraine?' Y/n asked herself.

"That's Mrs. McFly, and don't you be forgettin' the Mrs. And what might your names be?" Maggie asked Y/n and Marty.

"Well, it's Mc-uh.." Marty trailed off, and Y/n thought about what he had said earlier about Clint Eastwood.

"Clint Eastwood!" Y/n exlcaimed. Marty nodded and said, "And she's um, Mrs. Eastwood, Annie Eastwood.." Marty tailed off, Y/n looked at him and blushed.

"Well, you both hit your heads, Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood. Not too serious. But lucky for you Seamus found you when he did. He also found you holding this, Mrs. Eastwood." Maggie said handing Y/n Marty's jean jacket. She quickly took it and placed it on her lap. "What is it?" Maggie said. "It's uh- um. jacket.." Y/n trailed off.

"Seamus?" Marty asked. Maggie nodded, "Me husband. You'll be exusing me Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood, while I tend to William." Maggie said walking out of the room.

"Willaim.." Y/n and Marty trailed off. "Oh, that's okay, Will. That's okay." Maggie said lifting up her son. Marty and Y/n got off the bed and stood in the door way watching the baby.

"That's William?" Marty asked. "Aye. William Sean McFly, the first of our family to be born in America. Oh, that's okay, Will. This here's Mr. and Mrs. Clint and Annie Eastwood here vistin'. Sure'n he like you, Mr. Eastwood." Maggie said to Marty. Y/n smiled, holding her boyfriends hand.

"Maggie! I've got supper." Seamus said, holding up a rabbit. Y/n gulped.

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