Chapter Six- The Barn

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"I'm not one to pry into a married couple's personal affairs, but exactly how is it the both of you came to be way out here without a horse, or boots, or a hat, or a dress." Seamus McFly said pointing to both Y/n and Marty.

"Well, our ca- horse broke down, and-and a bear ate my boots and I guess I just forgot my hat." Marty said, "Yeah, and I ripped my dress so I had to wear his clothes.." Y/n trailed off.

"How could you forget a thing like your hat? Would you like some water?" Maggie asked both teenagers.

"Uh, yeah," "Yes, please," Marty and Y/n said at the same time. Y/n looked at the water and then looked at Marty. Marty shrugged and picked it up, looking at it.

"I'll tell you what I'll do, Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood. I'll help you both find your blacksmith friend. You can stay the night in the barn and tomorrow, I'll take you both as far as the railroad tracks. You can follow 'em straight on into the town." Seamus said.

Marty was only half listening because he was spitting out the lead pellets from the bullet that had entered the rabbit. Y/n nodded and said, "Thank you, that sounds wonderful,"

"I'll even give you a hat!" Seamus said to Marty, excited that he could help. Then William started crying, Seamus got up to take care of the baby, he picked it up and brought it back to the table. "I think that both of you'll find the barn comfortable. Never had any complaints about it from the pigs." Seamus said giving Y/n and Marty a wink and then laughing at his joke.

"Seamus, a word with you." Maggie said. "Aye," he replied. he then handed Marty baby William, "Will you hold him for a mintute?" Seamus asked.

"Are you sure you're not after bringin' a curse on this house, taking them in like that? Their such a strange couple, I mean look how their dressed." Maggie said worriedly. "Aye, But I've just got a feelin' about them, Maggie, that looking after them is the right thing to do, that it's important," Seamus said.

"Hey, buddy," Y/n said looking up at the baby Marty was holding. "Look how well the baby takes to them both. Little Will never takes to strangers. It's almost as if he's connected to us.." Seamus trailed off, pointing at Marty.

"Hey, Will. So, you're my great-grandfather. The first McFly born in America." Marty said smiling at the baby.

"Yeah, and it looks like the first McFly born in America, is peeing on you." Y/n laughed.

Seamus gave Y/n and Marty some blankets and lead them to the barn. "Well this is it, have fun. Good night," Seamus said with grin on his face. The barn looked comfortable enough, Marty laid down a couple blankets, and Y/n tossed Marty's jean jacket down next to the make-shift sleeping area. "Finally were alone," Marty said putting his hands on Y/n's waist. Y/n giggled and repiled, "Yeah, I like when were alone.."

They leaned in and kissed. After a minute, Y/n pulled away. "Marty, why did you say we were married?" she asked. "You know sometimes, doll you are just as oblivious as me, and that says alot." Marty said letting her go and sitting down on the blankets.

"But if you must know, I said it because they weren't going to let us share the barn." Marty joked. Y/n laughed and rolled her eyes playfully, sitting down next to him.

"Oh, so you want to get in my pants," Y/n joked, smirking at Marty. Marty laughed when she said this, "More or less, but all jokes aside, I said it because I love you, and I see myself marrying you, even if we already know because of a time machine." Marty said lovingly, staring into Y/n's e/c eyes.

Y/n thought about the future she saw in 2015. She didn't like what she saw but how was she supposed to tell Marty that. "Well, I love you too." she said leaning in to kiss him again. Marty leaned down against the blankets, Y/n half laying ontop of him. They pulled away to get some air, and Y/n laughed at little. "What?" Marty asked know fulling laying down on the blankets.

"Nothing, it's just a week ago, I never would have thought this would happen to me." Y/n said, laying on Marty's chest.

"Yeah, I know what you mean.." Marty trailed off playing with Y/n's h/c hair. "When we go to school, after we go back. I'm going to have alot of explaining to do. Espacilly to Paul, oh god, you know, he's going to be all over you. Police interagation, I swear it." Marty said, laughing.

"Paul's your best friend right, the one that started 'The Pinheads' with you," Y/n said remembering the fimillar name. Marty nodded. "Why would he be all over me? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Y/n said.

Marty laughed and said, "Yeah, but I mean, questions about how we know eachother, he doesn't know about Doc, none of them do." Marty said, a little embaressed. "Why not," Y/n asked. "It never came up." Marty said.

"I'm so excited to go to 1985, I hope we save Uncle Doc.." Y/n trailed off. Marty kissed her forhead to comfort her. "We will, we'll save him, go back to 1985, and everything will be fine. We should get some sleep though. I love you.." he trailed off, yawning.

Y/n laid in Marty's arms with his jean jacket on top of them both. "I love you too, future boy," She said as her eyes closed.

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