Chapter Two- The Letter

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"Dear Y/n and Marty, if my calculations are correct, you will receive this letter immediately after you saw the Delorean struck by lightning. First, let me assure you that I am alive and well. I've been living happily these past eight months in the year 1885. The lightning bolt that hit the Delorean caused a gigawatt overload which scrambled the time circuits, activated the flux capacitor, and sent me back to 1885. The overload shorted out the time circuits and destroyed the flying circuits. Unfortunately, the car will never fly again. It actually flew?" Doc asked his niece, while Marty was playing with the mind-reading machine, Doc and Y/n had made.

"Yeah, well, you had a hover conversion done in the early 21st century," Y/n explained, Marty put the mind-reading machine down and put a hand around her waist. "Incredible.." Doc trailed off, then he continued to read.

"I set myself up as a blacksmith as a front while I attempted to repair the damage to the time circuits. Unfortunately, this proved impossible because suitable replacement parts will not be invented until 1947. However, I've gotten quite adept at shooing horses and fixing wagons. 1885! Amazing! I actually end up as a blacksmith in the Old West."Doc exclaimed.

Y/n half-smiled, 'will I have to stay here now, because Doc isn't going to be in 1985, I don't think I could leave Marty,' she thought concerned.  "Pretty heavy, huh.." Marty trailed off.

Marty glanced at Y/n seeing the worried look on her face, and then it hit him. 'Would she have to stay here' he asked himself, he didn't want to think about losing someone he loved so much.

"I have buried the Delorean in the abandoned Delgado Mine, adjacent to the Old Boot Hill Cemetery as shown on the enclosed map. Hopefully, it should remain undisturbed and preserved until you uncover it in 1955. Inside you will find repair instructions, my 1955 counterpart- that's me- should have no problem repairing it so that you can drive it back to the future. Once you have returned to 1985 destroy the time machine."

"Destroy it!" Yn said, almost to tears, she assumed that not hearing her name in the letter meant that she was not going to go back with Marty. She pulled out of Marty's grasp and ran to her room.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Doc asked a little oblivious.

Marty saw Y/n run and turned to Doc, "Yeah well, it's a long story Doc. Does it say anything about Y/n in that letter?" Marty asked.

Doc nodded quickly and said, "Yes here!" Marty looked at it, "I'll be right back, thanks Doc!" he said running towards Y/n's bedroom.

Y/n laid on her bed and cried, 'how could this happen, I mean really how could things get so messed up' she thought.

Just then there was a knock on her door, "Come in, " she said, lifting her head up from her pillow, her face was red and blotchy from crying.

She saw Marty come in, he was holding Doc's letter. Marty walked over to her bed and sat down next to her. "He wrote something about you, you know," he said looking at her tear-stained face.

Y/n perked up, and looked at the letter Marty was holding, "Y/n, do not- I repeat- do not attempt to come back here and get me. You and Marty will be happy together in 1985. If people ask who you are and where I am, you say that you are my great-niece and that I am away on classified scientific business. Once you turn eighteen, you may do as you please with my property. I trust you to take care of Einstein and I trust Marty to check on you." Y/n smiled as she read the letter out loud.

Marty kissed her on the cheek and pulled her close to him, comfortingly. "I am perfectly happy living in the fresh air and wide-open spaces, the old west is good for me, just like I believe that 1985 is good for you. You have always been there for me.  Love, your Uncle Doc Brown, September 1st, 1885" Y/n finished reading, happy tears now, trailing down her face.

"I never knew he could write something so touching," Y/n said looking into Marty's eyes. Marty wiped a tear from her cheek and said genuinely, "I know, it's beautiful." he said. After a minute or two Y/n spoke up.

"We should probably go downstairs, huh?" Y/n said leaning her head on Marty's shoulder.

"Yeah, let's go get the Delorean and go home," Marty said. They walked downstairs and Y/n grabbed Marty's jean jacket from the fireplace and put it on. Then, they both put on their shoes.

Marty and Y/n returned to where Doc was. Doc was looking at the map that the 1985 Doc had made. "All right, according to this, the time vehicle's sealed off in a side tunnel. We may have to bast." Doc said to Y/n and Marty.

Marty and Y/n looked at eachother in shock, "I'm sorry, Doc did you just say blast?!" Marty said. "Oh my god.." Y/n trailed off.

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