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We stayed the night at the farm and plan to go to our new place tomorrow

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We stayed the night at the farm and plan to go to our new place tomorrow. It feels great being in my old house with my husband.

I wake up in the middle of the night and head to the bathroom to check my incision and then walk downstairs for some water and I walk out on the back porch and sit down.

Wasn't long the door opened and my dad walked out. "What are you doing out here sweetheart?"

"Just woke up to check my incision and wanted to come out here and think. It's been a crazy few days dad."

"I'm glad you're ok. I was so worried about you when Tate called."

I lay my head on his arm. "I was scared too but when I saw Tate panic I had to be calm."

"He's a good man sweetheart and he wants to give you the world."

"He's a great man dad. I couldn't have found anyone better and yeah I loved Curt but it's not the same."

"That was puppy love. I saw his parents at the graveyard the other day they just gave me the stink eye. I went to decorate your mom's grave but there were already beautiful flowers there." He smiled.

"I had Tate take me there and I got flowers for mom and Curt. I hadn't been to his grave and I needed to go there to find closure."

"I knew it was you when I saw the red roses." Dad smiled.

"She loved red roses and she loved this farm. I miss her so much dad. Don't get me wrong I love Debbie but she's not mom."

"I know sweetheart and she loved you kids more than anything. There isn't a day I don't think about her but at some point, if I want to marry Debbie you would be ok with it?" He asked.

"I would be more than ok with it. But now that Brooke is here she's going to want to plan a wedding in the fields." I laugh.

"I'm sure Tate can arrange that for you." He laughed.

"Oh for sure dad. We are supposed to start on what we want in the house. Brooke says a powder room and a big closet but none of that matters to me really." I shrug.

"That girl has style and she told me she could cut my hair." He laughs.

"She did my hair the first day I met her and took me shopping. She's great and she's also pregnant but that's a secret."

"Well, I wouldn't have guessed. That girl is skinny. But I am happy for them. You ever think of babies?"

"Oh, dad Albert won't let me forget. He said he wants to see kiddos soon." I laugh.

"But what is it, Atlee?"

"It's just something we haven't talked about yet dad."

"I understand loud and clear." He said patting me on the leg.

"Maybe we should try to get more sleep. The smell of Debbie's food will wake us up soon." I laugh getting up.

I take it slow getting up the steps and back in bed. Tate turns over and opens his eyes. "Where have you been Atlee?"

"Outside on the porch talking with dad."

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"Everything is fine. I went to use the bathroom and check my incision and went for some water and he came outside."

"I'm glad you come back to bed." He leans over and kisses me and rubs his thumb down my cheek.

"Are you ready to go over house plans later once we get in our new rental?" He asked.

"I'm more than ready and you keep asking what I want and the only things that come to mind are the big walk-in closet and a powder room and Brooke said she would hurt me if I didn't ask." I laugh.

"I'm fine with that. What about a pool and a big back yard for kids to run in with a dog maybe?"

"Speaking of Albert and now my dad is asking about kids. Is that something you even want Tate? We haven't talked about that."

"Atlee if you were to tell me you were pregnant I would be happy. It's not something I really sit down and thought about but if it happened I would be happy."

"So we should have extra rooms that could turn into nursery's then." I laugh.

"Oh my god are you?"

"No Tate I'm not I'm just saying for a what-if scenario. But I would like a pool house with towels inside so no dripping in the house. And a big garage so whenever I get a car I have space for it. Maybe a hot tub as well that would be nice." I smile.

"And a big office so we can work on Watchology and maybe a weight room and a huge kitchen so we can cook. Ok, I'm getting excited."

"Tate I don't want a mansion-like your parents had but your house was a nice size," I said.

"Sounds good! Let's get more sleep then later we will take Brooke and Trent over to our new place and start on things." He said leaning over to kiss me.

"Ok." I yawn and wrap my arms around him and fall asleep on his chest.

Four hours later Trent is knocking on our door that breakfast is ready. Tate opened his eyes and was ready to jump out of the bed. "Debbie's food really does you in doesn't it?" I laugh.

"It's so good I've never had food like that in my life." He laughs as we get out of bed and throw on some clothes and rush downstairs.

"Morning guys!" I smile at everyone already seated at the table.

"I'm here for double helpings." Tate laughed.

"Boy you are going to need to build a gym in this new house or you will become fat." Albert laughed.

"Already working on that grandfather."

"Better not be the only thing you are working on," Albert smirked.

"Albert!" I giggle at him and pat his face.

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