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I had been driving for around 8 hours when I told Atlee that I needed to pull over and get us a room so that I could sleep for a while

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I had been driving for around 8 hours when I told Atlee that I needed to pull over and get us a room so that I could sleep for a while.

The town that we ended up in was having a small circus and rides everywhere so it was hard to even get one room much less two.

"I'm sorry Atlee I could only get one room," I said.

"It's ok we can share a bed. I mean we are in a relationship." She winked and giggled.

I love how carefree this girl is. She seems to be happy after all that's happened in her life. She will make someone really happy one day. But I must say she's a happy distraction from my crazy life.

We step on the elevator and she looks over at me and laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"This is random but this is how we met a few short days ago and now I'm on my way to Maine as your girlfriend." She said using quotations.

I chuckle as the door opens and we get off on the 3rd floor. "Here we are," I said slipping the keycard into room 327.

I let Atlee go into the room first and she lays her bag down on the dresser grabs a few items and heads to the bathroom. I put a small luggage bag on the dresser too and cut the tv on and a few lights.

She comes out in some cotton shorts PJs and a t-shirt. "Sorry, but those jeans were hurting me." She laughed.

"No problem. Do you mind if I take my shirt off?" I ask her.

"Yeah, sure whatever you want to take off. Wait that sounded wrong." She laughed and blushed.

"You want a striptease or something?" I ask laughing.

"If your offering." She giggles.

"Well, I didn't see that coming. You may be able to take my mother on after all." I said.

"I think we need some sort of story of how we met. We can't say how we really met." She said.

"That's true I guess we will come up with something," I said as I walked to the bathroom.

When I come back out of the bathroom Atlee is laying across the bed with her hair spread out on the pillow and she smiles at me. I see her eyeing my body since I removed my shirt and just left my boxers on.

I walk over to the bed and slide in next to her which feels all kinds of weird. "So did you come up with a story?" I ask her.

"I'm thinking. I mean it has to be believable. But if she looks up my last name she will read about what happened and then what?" She asks.

"She will have you looked up regardless and if we use a fake name and she can't find out anything she will be pissed and dig more." I sigh.

"Ok then so let's say we met in an elevator that's simple enough." She said.

"You don't understand my mother is going to be so pissed that you were in jail and you aren't up to her standards she can be a bitch." I said.

"If I can handle women in jail then I can handle your mom. I know you don't know me but I am a fiery girl." She smiled over at me.

"I can tell that already. We will just let it play out and I'm telling you she will do anything in her power to run you off." I said rubbing my hand down my scruffy beard.

"Well, I would like to see her try. I told you I wanted to help you and I plan on it, Tate." She said.

"I appreciate you helping a stranger. You don't know and laying in bed next to me has to be weird." I laugh.

"I've been in worse like female gangbangs. Wait I haven't been in them but witnessed them." She laughed.

"Wait I want to hear more about this." I laugh.

"Goodnight Tate." She laughs and turns over.

It was hard to sleep thinking about a gangbang. Her soft breaths and moans did something to me. Finally, I dozed off to sleep.

We wake up when the alarm goes off and scurry around the room to get ready and back on the road.

While I pay the bill Atlee goes to get us some breakfast.  She meets me in the lobby with 2 muffins, 2 bananas, and 2 orange juices.

I laugh when I see her smirk. "You stocked up, didn't you?

"I tried." She giggles as we walk to my car. I open the door for her and help her get inside.

Once back on the road we are both quiet with just the radio playing filling the inside of my car while we eat.

"So umm did you tell your brother where you were going?

She looks over at me. "I just told him I was going out of town for a while with a friend.

I smirk back at her. "That was pretty smart Atlee." I focus back on the road.

After on the road a couple of hours Atlee looks over at me. "Hey, Tate do you think we could pull over? I need to use the restroom.

"Sure I'm getting a little hungry how about you?

"I could eat." She smiles.

We pull into this gas station that has a subway connected to it and we fill up with gas and park to go in and eat.

There were some questionable people standing near the door so I put my arm around her as we walked in and she just looked at me and smirked.

Once ordered and back out to my car one of those questionable people was hanging near my car. I walked her to her side of the car and she noticed him and she said really loud. "It feels great to be out of prison but I'm not afraid to cut a bitch!"

The guy walks briskly away and I can't help but laugh. "Boy, you are a spitfire for sure." I laughed.

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