Extracurricular Pt 1

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Cynthia had come to visit Ruby in the Infirmary for a number of reasons. The most important being to make sure she was recovering properly. The silver-eyed girl was not just attacked physically, but mostly mentally. Psystrike was a terrifying Psychic-type that could leave long-term damage. It was also very versatile and can take many shapes; from implosive force fields, to energy blasts, or in Ruby's case, a psychic attack on the brain. Cases like these will often lead to Cerebral Disruption Disorder.

Cerebral Disruption Disorder is a condition of a violent psychic attack on the human brain that could temporarily, or in severe cases permanently, disrupt neurons in the brain. It leaves the brain unable to process information as quick as before. In serious cases, the human brain would break or shatter, rendering the victim brain dead. Luckily, Ruby would not suffer the same fate.

Ruby's Zorua was hurt really bad. Not only did he get hit with a super effective attack, but also from a high level Pokémon that happened to be a Legendary. It didn't look as if he'd make it, but he pulled through the worst of it last night. Thanks to Togekiss' Heal Pulse, his health was fully restored and was back on his feet. But he never left Ruby's side.

The Tricky Fox Pokémon stayed curled up beside Ruby for the past week and a half as his trainer remained in a coma. She didn't have a Pokémon who would be able to track her progress like Audino, so she couldn't tell when the young girl would wake up. As for the "evil" Pokémon, Cynthia had already taken care of that issue. These Pokémon were weary of humans and so she had to choose people she knew she could trust. 

Nidoking was gifted to Dr. Oobleck, who was very interested in learning more about the Drill Pokémon despite being a fellow Archeologist. She was happy that she found someone who shared the same interest in career and had many enjoyable talks. Cynthia would have found him attractive, but seeing how hyper the professor was dulled it. Besides, she was happily married to an intelligent and attractive , world-renowned geologist.

The Drill Pokémon was hesitant at first, but it warmed up to them man. Pokémon who came to trust humans as quick as Nidoking were ones that used to have a trainer. Nidoking must have been one of the Pokémon who were lost in the void and was brought out of it by Darkrai. She felt really sad for it and she wouldn't have denied that she had cried a little bit. But Nidoking simply licked her face as he understood her feelings and was going to be okay with Oobleck. 

The good Doctor named Nidoking Baragon, after a guardian deity from ancient Mistral.

Primeape was caught by Pyrrha and even though it was a high-level Pokémon, she allowed her to keep it. High-level Pokémon were incredibly hard to train and often do not follow trainer orders. However, Cynthia had faith that Pyrrha would be able to get through to Primeape and care for it. She named him Creed after the famous Vacuo boxer—Apollo Creed. Sure enough, Primeape seemed to like the new name a lot.

Ursaring was still in the Beacon Cells due to being incredibly violent. She didn't know the academy even had prison cells. According to Ren, it did not go down easily even when it was on its last legs. Ursaring were known to be very protective of its pre-evolution, Teddiursa, but for one to act this violent and angry was deeply worrying. She'd definitely have to investigate this.

Toxapex was a much bigger issue to handle. Being one of the top three most poisonous Pokémon from her world, it was too dangerous of a risk to even keep it around. However, to her great surprise, it was Cardin Winchester who asked, begged even, not to release it. When she asked why, he said it wasn't fair to not give someone, no matter how bad, a chance. Cynthia was really surprised by the teen's demeanor, but she smiled. She even offered to help him train it properly so he could learn to be aware of its poison. He named it, Helian, after a part of the scientific name of a species of Starfish. Cardin was smart when he wasn't being a bully. 

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