Unexpect the Unexpected

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It wasn't a phone call Cynthia was expecting to receive, though she wasn't going to complain.

In the middle of the night, far past when she fell asleep, her scroll suddenly started to ring. It took a few buzzes before she stirred awake and blindly searched the nightstand for her scroll and picked it up. . She was too tired to check who was calling her, so she just hoped it wasn't a prank call or anything of the sort. Cynthia lifted her face from her pillow and answered it.

"Hello?" Cynthia answered, trying to not sound like she just woke up even though that was the case.

"Hello, Mrs. Stone," The voice on the other line began speaking. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Cynthia sat up, eyebrows furrowing in realization. The voice on the line was Ozpin. She hoped for his sake that he would explain why he was calling at this ungodly hour. Rubbing her forehead and trying to snap herself awake, Cynthia stifled a yawn, "Other than my sleep, nothing at all. Now what do you want?" She said in a drowsy, cranky tone.

"I need your assistance in my office. Would you please be so kind as to- " she heard a loud thump on the other end of the call. "Get down from that, that's not a bed for Oum's sake! Oh, now it's sniffing my coffee maker. Oh, good it's leaving it alone." He sighed in relief, before clearing his throat. "Please help." The call ends.

Okaaaay... clearly Ozpin needed some help with whatever was happening in his office. Not bothering to get changed, she made her way over to the tower.

Ozpin's Office

Cynthia stepped out of the elevator only to see the weirdest thing happen before her.

Salamence was sniffing around the office, then climbed up onto Ozpin's desk like it was a bed. It was clearly too small to fit the dragon's wide body, but it didn't seem to care. The Sinnoh Champion looked to Ozpin, who only shook his head.

"I don't know why, but this dragon won't leave here, much less leave me alone! Can't you do something about this?" He asks.


Cynthia eyed the Dragon Pokémon, who got up to tackle Cynthia and lick her face. Cynthia grimaced at the feeling of dragon slobber, but started laughing as she remembered this Salamence.

"Hey, big guy!" She got up and the blue dragon nudged it's head against Cynthia's body, expecting more attention from the Sinnoh Champion. She started scratching behind it's head, the hardest spot a Salamence can scratch. Immediately She turned to Ozpin who looked at her with slight fascination.

"How do you do it?" He asks.


"Communicate with them?"

Cynthia looks to Ozpin, and Salamence looks to him as well with interest. "Truth be told, I don't really communicate with them verbally. I just appeal to their better nature, and make inferences from their body language or how they feel." She says.

"And what does he think?" He points his cane to the Dragon Pokémon, who eyes it like it a stick.

"Well, it's obvious he's taken an interest in you." She says, then comes up with an idea. "I think he wants to stay with you."

"With me?" He asks, making sure he heard her correctly. "My office may be big, but I can't keep him in here."

"You don't have to," Cynthia turns to the elevator doors before glancing back. "I'll be back, just keep him here!" She says as the elevator doors close and takes her down.

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