Trouble at Forever Fall

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Ozpin's Office

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Winchester." Ozpin greeted. Cardin shrugged as he entered the headmasters office.

"No problem at all teach." Cardin said, sounding uncharacteristically agreeable.

"You're probably wondering why I've called you here." Ozpin said.

"Pretty much." Cardin confirmed, sitting down in the open seat in front of Ozpin's desk. Although he did have an inkling.

"Well, I make it a priority to gain a vested interest in prominent students." Ozpin explained.

"Oh really." Cardin was a little surprised. He was sure that wimp Jaune had worked up the courage to tattle on him.

"Quite. You see, I was just going through your profile and found out that your something of a legacy." Ozpin said.

Cardin's posture straightened, looking impressive. "Fourth generation Winchester since the founding of this school." Cardin boasted proudly.

"Impressive. Does the weight of your family name ever burden you?" Ozpin asked.

"Nah," Cardin dismissed. "With skills as good as mine, you don't really worry about failing."

"And I must admit you did rather well in your entrance exams. Your physical exam in particular." Cardin nodded his head smugly.

"Which is why it concerns me so much to know that you're getting into so much trouble." Ozpin said. Cardin faltered.

"Belittling the Faunus students, picking fights, do you really think that your recent actions are the most constructive use of your time?" The headmaster asked.

"What is this?" Cardin demanded, suddenly sounding a lot less agreeable. "Did that wimp Jaune tell you about that to try to get rid of me? Cause if he did I've got something to tell you about him."

"Ah, I'm actually glad you brought up Mr. Arc." Ozpin interrupted politely. "From what I heard, you and him were recently chastised by professor Oobleck? Something about not taking his class seriously?"

In Oobleck's Class

Oobleck was teaching history, when he suddenly stopped. "It's Doctor! I didn't earn my PhD for nothing!" Professor Oobleck said suddenly.

"Why did you say that, Doctor?" A random student asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged, and went back to teaching.

Back in Ozpin's Office

Cardin's only response was a grunt.

"You know Cardin, Oobleck told me that he had informed you that we only accept the best of the best here at Beacon. We have a number of professors that poor through the hundreds of applications to...pick the cream of the crop, as it were." Ozpin explained.

"Fortunately, I am the one who has the final word on accepted applicants. Of which I am very thankful. For you see Mr. Winchester, it is my belief that an application can only tell you so much. Oh certainly they can accurately tell someone's level of skill and intelligence. But there are things that a standard application is incapable of telling."

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